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RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Three North Carolina men fearing a government takeover and martial law stockpiled weapons, ammunition and tactical gear while attempting to rig home-made explosives, according to charges announced by the Justice Department on Monday.

The men from Gaston County, near Charlotte, were arrested by federal authorities on Saturday after more than a month’s investigation.

Walter Eugene Litteral, 50, Christopher James Barker, 41, and Christopher Todd Campbell, 30, are accused of stockpiling guns and ammunition, as well as attempting to manufacture pipe bombs and live grenades from military surplus “dummy” grenades, according to the statement by Acting U.S. District Attorney Jill Westmoreland Rose and FBI Special Agent in Charge John Strong.

In addition to ammunition for a .338 caliber rifle, the statement says Litteral purchased hand-held radios, Kevlar helmets, body armor and face masks in preparation for an armed resistance to the feared military occupation.



If the government starts arresting people who are preparing for tyranny, there is not enough Walmarts to hold everyone. I wonder what “attempting” to manufacture pipe bombs means?

However, it is illegal to manufacture pipe bombs, grenades or do a straw man purchase of a firearm.

David DeGerolamo

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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

For what it’s worth and recognizing it may or may not apply here, it would be simple for such a charge to be filed against anyone who maintained powder for reloading and plumbing materials. It is telling they list legal items in an implied nefarious manner.

I hope their legal representation forces the revelation of the sources from which the investigation and charges are derived. Not that our government would ever violate it’s own laws to entrap citizens in an effort to intimidate others, right?