Item# PF-LRT
25+ Foot Reach // 27 Seconds of Flame // Arc Ignition // Lightweight // Battery Included // Runs on Gas & Gas/Diesel Mix
$599 plus shipping and applicable sales taxes. Contact sales@caddgraphics.com
Plugin by: PHP Freelancer
Wow -- imagine me at my front door with one of THOSE should undesirables turn up in my front yard…fertilizer! Remember in the TV series Revolution, people being basically “cooked,” burning…nearly to ash? I couldn’t use another type of impl.ement that requires exact point, but this could work.
Someone had mentioned that kevlar melts here is the answer.
Just remember….in WWII the infantry specialty with the SHORTEST combat life span was the guy with the flamethrower….measured in minutes….at best. They were ALWAYS targeted by EVERY enemy rifleman. Won’t be any different if you show up to the festivities with something like this. Cool toy…..only marginally useful as a combat weapon. Molotovs are effective and much easier to conceal and deploy.
Spend the money on Circut Design Education.
Much more usefull.
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