FEMA Calls for 2015 Individual and Community Preparedness Awards Applications

Ready: Prepare. Plan. Stay Informed.

Submission Deadline: April 10, 2015

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is pleased to announce that the application period for the 2015 Individual and Community Preparedness Awards is now open.

These awards highlight innovative local practices and achievements by recognizing individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions toward making their communities safer, stronger, better prepared, and more resilient.

To be considered for this year’s awards, all applications must be sent to citizencorps@fema.dhs.gov by April 10, 2015 at 11:59 P.M. E.T. and must feature program activities occurring between January 1, 2014 and April 10, 2015. FEMA will review all entries and select the finalists.  A distinguished panel of representatives from the emergency management community will select winners in each of the following categories:

  • Outstanding Citizen Corps Council
  • Community Preparedness Heroes
  • Awareness to Action
  • Technological Innovation
  • Outstanding Achievement in Youth Preparedness
  • Preparing the Whole Community
  • Outstanding Community Emergency Response Team Initiatives
  • Outstanding Citizen Corps Partner Program
  • Excellence in Volunteer Sustainability

Winners will be announced in the fall of 2015 and they will be FEMA’s honored guests at a community preparedness roundtable event.

Emergency management is most effective when the whole community is engaged and involved. Faith-based organizations, voluntary agencies, the private sector, tribal organizations, youth, older adults, people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs, and other individual citizens can all make a difference in their communities before, during, and after disasters. Acknowledge the work you or someone you know has done to build a more resilient nation and apply TODAY!

How to Apply

Download and complete the FEMA 2015 Individual and Community Preparedness Application Form as well as frequently asked questions (FAQ), available at https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/103533.

If you have additional questions, please direct them to citizencorps@fema.dhs.gov.

Awards Application Deadline

Email applications to citizencorps@fema.dhs.gov by April 10, 2015 at 11:59 P.M. E.T. Please make sure to include “2015 FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Award Application” in the subject line.

We look forward to hearing about the excellent work being done throughout the country!


The FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Division

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Don Johnson
Don Johnson
9 years ago

All right all you good boys and girls. Line up and let the Feds know everything you can and will do when the SHTF so they can plan better what their risks are when they come to get you !
They want you to help them with their intelligence gathering which saves them so much time and takes less bullets, bombs, fuel and manpower to overtake and collect you for their one way trips to the FEMA Camps. Have I got your attention yet ?

9 years ago

Don, My thoughts exactly.

Don Johnson
Don Johnson
9 years ago

This was David’s way to see if we were paying attention and awake and it worked ! Great job again. As a closing note, we have to “Constantly” remember our history lessons and go back only a short time ago in time to see where we are headed again !

“What we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat” or something to that effect. Every day I remember my history teacher in High School telling everyone that in class. He was a retired Coast Guard Commander and was a WWII Veteran and one of the smartest men I have ever met.

9 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I agree with you, do not participate with any government related thing because they will visit you one day for any stupid and dumb reason, remember we are dealing with ignorant bureaucrats that have been obamanized, it’s best to stay off the radar and learn to be a shadow.

Don Johnson
Don Johnson
9 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Phil: if you are or have been a vet or a cop or belong to damn near any pro-constitution organization, you “ARE” all ready on their radar my friend ! Not to mention having a internet account, Cell Phone, etc.
We will either hang together or hand separately my friend and there
is all ways safety in numbers ! “Never” forget that !- Don

9 years ago

I’m not worried, I have pepper spray….

Don Johnson
Don Johnson
9 years ago
Reply to  Hillbilly

Try spraying a “Bear” with that *&^% and see how that works out for you ! -- LOL