FEMA Tyranny

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2 months ago

I hope he does continue to post updates and they appear on NC Renegade. What is FEMA going to put in those dumpsters that they want to hide? My suspicions are mounting.

kal kal
kal kal
2 months ago
Reply to  Machobird

the relief goods or the bodies? report from eastern Tennesse police chief quoted 1,000 dead in Cooke’s County. That number so far unsubstantiated.

Last edited 2 months ago by kal kal
2 months ago

Every night I have to apologize to the Lord God because of my blind fury. Meanwhile, we bar-b-q and pop a beer and watch the game.

kal kal
kal kal
2 months ago

the federal government as well as local govs can seize land and property via eminent domain. With the War Powers Act they can go further and seize you and conscript you for whatever they please. Telling Uncle Sugar to FO is tough for a lone now, penniless and homeless AMERICAN.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
2 months ago

How is it that FEMA can evict him from his own property? Shred that eviction notice and have the State police arrest those assholes.

2 months ago
Reply to  Steady Steve


The same way localgov/countygov can and WILL take your paid-for home should you fail to pay your yearly property and school taxes !

One NEVER owns their home with or without a mortgage. You are forever paying to the scum one calls “government”.

2 months ago

I was reading an article on Yahoo news a couple days ago about the stories of FEMA not helping, FEMA bulldozing the dead, and that Helene was a weather weapon as false and a conspiracy theory. Shame on Yahoo for not doing their own research before perpetuating this lie. The Feds are doing damage control big time. This story about Jay Robert Watson is another example of how FEMA is doing whatever they want.

All I can say is the States need to change how they respond to emergencies. Preferably plans should focus on using local and state resources and not totally rely on Uncle Sam to come in and complicate things. Any State in a hurricane zone or in tornado ally should invest in better flood control systems and new building techniques. If we don’t end up in WW3 soon, the sun will come out and Helene will fade from memory. That’s when we fall into a false sense of security. And Bam! here comes another Category 5 Hurricane or F5 Tornado. Then it’s too late.

2 months ago

Listen to Bear, this is about a land grab. Folks in western NC and eastern TN are being railroaded by your state and federal governments.

Francis W. Porretto
2 months ago

This is just one of the implications of FEMA’s assertion of its authority over all “disasters.” Obviously, “the needs of the State must come first!” (See also this.)

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 months ago

More shoulder checking from the communists. At some point enough will have to be enough.