Female lawmaker unafraid to slam ‘Islamic savages’


I asked my wife what she wanted to do on Valentine’s day. Breakfast out and then American Sniper matinee. Am I lucky or what?

During the movie I kept thinking how your pResident did not even bother going to Chris Kyle’s funeral. But I don’t want to overshadow the importance of this movie’s exposure of Islam so I will not go there.

Are these people truly savages or are they willing to sacrifice all for their religion? I do not think it matters. We are enjoined in a holy war that has spanned centuries. Isn’t it time we put this to rest once and for all? I do know that if we are not willing to sacrifice all, our children will pay a heavy price. If they survive.

David DeGerolamo


I don’t want to hear any propaganda concerning Islam being a religion of peace. The evidence is clear that jihad is their ideology. The evidence is also clear that the government is more concerned about protecting Muslims than our Judeo-Christian foundation. Our soldiers deserve better. Why do you think the Internet will be illegally censored by an executive order.

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10 years ago

Preach it, brother! Also, happy Valentines Day. We had some new old friends over, and had a blast. God bless, one and all.

David, thanks for standing tall and for all!

A Fellow Patriot

10 years ago

The first step: name the evil.

The second step: confront the evil …

Dress appropriately for the interaction:

10 years ago

unfortunately the only thing muslim Islamic murderers understand will to have there heads cut off. this will send the message that we mean business.

10 years ago

And don’t forget, not only did the pResident not go to his funeral, he had the flags flown at half mast all over the country for the drugged out Whitney Houstons funeral.
What are we to do? Train, Baby, Train. Max Velocity Tactical comes to mind!!!

10 years ago

On Islam, Do We Believe Obama or Muslim Ph.D.? Our last three presidents all stated radical Islam is not real Islam, but a lifelong Muslim, raised in the Middle East and holding a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies, categorically disagrees. Whom should we believe? At the U.N. in September, Obama said about “ISIL” (his renaming of ISIS, or “Islamic State”) that, “No God condones this terror,” Adding, “Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic…” ISIL is not Islamic? Then what is it? Everyone realizes that the Islamic State, like the Taliban and al-Qaida, PLO & those centuries before, is 100% Islamic. True, Obama spent some of his childhood in a Madrassa, but do Islamic scholars consider Obama an authority? On the other hand, despite his murdering, tortures & slave trade, Dr. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS (a practicing Muslim raised & educated in the Islamic world, even earning a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the Islamic University of Baghdad) can make real claims to being Muslim. He makes popular claims to carrying out barbarism in the name & spirit of Islam. ISIS is thoroughly Islamic & speaks for Islam — where are the protests against its actions as opposed to the deaths of 3 in a US parking lot? al-Baghdadi was a preacher in a local Iraqi mosque, that all ISIS’ members are Muslims who are coming from different nations with only their faith in common. They follow Muhammad’s example in detail (even wearing their watches on their right hands to distinguish themselves from infidels). As for slaughtering in cold blood the American, British, Japanese, Syrian, Iraqi, Jordanian… hostages, they justify this by claiming that America, England and the rest have attacked Muslim lands, killed their people, stolen wealth etc.; hence these are attacks of retaliation. For Muslims, this all seems to be part of jihad, holy war. To be clear, there are millions of other Muslims who are repulsed by ISIS’ actions, and there are Islamic scholars who have put forth other interpretations of these Islamic texts and traditions. But to claim that ISIS or al-Qaeda or PLO, Paris or Copenhagen, 9/11 or 7/7 with their like from centuries past are not Islamic is to bury one’s head in the very sand now red with the blood of the beheaded.
No doubt the press calculates interest in killers’ backgrounds in an inconsistent manner. Had the shooter been a Christian, a Republican or member of the NRA, we’d be hearing about patterns in “right-wing hatred.” Islam draws our attention not because its adherents tend to be brown-skinned or because it’s easier to fear those abroad than those up the street, but because it’s used frequently as justification for attacks around the world that form a pattern. It’s reasonable to acknowledge that representatives of every faith will occasionally do something evil — even in the name of their philosophy — and it’s silly to blame that for the individual’s acts. If the K.K.K. took responsibility for the death of any minority, we would ignore reports that its ideology was on a comeback. Instead, we would regard the culprit as a disgusting and troubled outlier, perhaps with few others, and we’d take comfort in knowing that there’s little support. But in the last few decades, “Radical Islam” — note the “radical” part — is openly predisposed to hurt the West, its people & civilization. Furthermore, its adherents enjoy far more support in the broader Muslim population (mainstream media edits) than we are led to believe. A nut-case, a self-described progressive atheist with a reputation for bullying his neighbors, Craig Stephen Hicks, has no cohort as differs from Muslim’s eyes. The difference between this media hyped killing and the routine mass of torture, slavery & muders seen around the world is not that one murderer is familiar and the other is foreign. It is that the former is an outlier, and the latter is part of a critical mass ready to explode with nuclear devastation. How can you argue Mutually Assured Destruction when that seems to be the point of their faith? Recent events show that even the likes of one so distant from the functionally criminal & genial society, as Mr. Hicks believed, that he turned himself in to Western justice & reason, unlike Muslim’s who commit similar acts.