A skirmish broke out between rival activists on the steps of City Hall Wednesday during what had been intended as a demonstration against violence in Newark.
Police were called to the scene after a small crowd began arguing over escalating violence and the city’s attempts to curb it.
The noon press conference was called by a group of activists led by Salaam Ismial, co-chair of the New Jersey Study Commission on Violence, and Abdul Muhammad, a longtime Newark anti-violence activist. In a release announcing the event, the two said they planned to ask Mayor Ras Baraka to “unleash his quality of life plan in addressing ongoing violence facing Newark residents.”
As the group spoke to reporters, however, a group of Baraka supporters including activist Donna Jackson and Tyrone “Street Counselor” Barnes began heckling and shouting from the base of the steps.
It soon evolved into an intense face-off between Jackson and Muhammad, which then erupted into a skirmish between members of the two camps. At one point, Barnes put his hands around Muhammad’s neck and pushed him to the ground.
h/t John P
This is great they are eating each other now, two islamic groups killing off each other in a broke and crime ridden gun free city and gun free zone state, what a joke. let them kill each each other in that rat hole infested islamic city it has become. Chris Christie and his merry band of anti gun thieves have made politics worse in that filthy state. there entire politburo are full of black, White and now islamic WHORES of all different colors, its a mosaic of sick and mentally ill twisted Bolshevik political hacks all feeding off each other
islam is islam. It is a death cult.
It is telling how the more things change the more they stay the same. Cheers!!!!
When evil attacks goodness, there is a chance that evil might lose;
But when evil attacks evil, evil always wins.
And if you think that Satan has not done this simple bit of math,
Then you are more ignorant than you would rather believe.
The fact that someone ‘hates’ a particular evil,
does not make them good.
They may themselves be even more evil
than that which they profess to hate.
Therefore, never judge a man (nor trust him)
based upon what he hates;
but rather judge him upon that which he loves.
Lt, that is true, but in that group in Newark is full of wicked leaders.