Fighting Against the Growing Entitlement Society

Glenn focused his TV show Wednesday night squarely on a growing, out of control entitlement society that had lost its connection to community and reality.

In the opening moments of the show, Glenn discussed a study that found that today’s college students have an inflated sense of ability and skills, especially compared to students in the 1960s. Despite their above average view of their own ability, their skills are actually less than those of students generations ago. At the same time, today’s students are focused on what is owed to them by society rather than on how they as individuals can contribute to improving their community.

This new mentality contrasts sharply the attitude of generations past. Earlier generations used to pursue American dream through ingenuity and hard work. If they were ultimately rewarded success, they considered themselves incredibly fortunate. Today, college students think they are owed this success but they don’t think it should come with any work.

The Guardian analyzed the details of the study:


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