Our culture is now experiencing a saturation bombing campaign of entirely specious non-stop messages about Trump being some kind of monster. Fox News and the Drudge Report have now largely fallen into lock step with the rest of mainstream media, which only adds to our sense of frustration and isolation.
We’re not calling out these “news” sources because they’re reporting stories we don’t like, we’re calling them out because their stories are all overhyped spin and bullshit. No wonder polls are showing growing support for the removal of the President – people are being force fed lies on a 24/7 basis. Without taking the initiative to dig deeper into stories or (God help us) actually use their heads, it’s unsurprising that so many are coming to believe the relentless propaganda.
Make no mistake, this is much more than a skirmish over a President. It’s a battle about the very nature of our Constitution, our freedoms, our way of life, and whether or not elections will ever again mean a damn in this country. The fact that those outcomes are currently unclear underscores what a perilous and historic point we’re at.