Fighting Words: An Open Letter to Publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.

by James Wesley, Rawles

The New York Times just published the newspaper’s first front page editorial in 95 years. It urged America’s legislators to outlaw civilian ownership of semiautomatic battle rifles. This editorial twisted words to castigate our militia arms as follows: ” These are weapons of war, barely modified and deliberately marketed as tools of macho vigilantism and even insurrection.”

The editor went on to urge: ” Certain kinds of weapons, like the slightly modified combat rifles used in California, and certain kinds of ammunition, must be outlawed for civilian ownership. It is possible to define those guns in a clear and effective way and, yes, it would require Americans who own those kinds of weapons to give them up for the good of their fellow citizens.” [Emphasis added.]

Those are fighting words. They’ve made it clear: These statists want to enact a law forcing civilian disarmament. This would of course be enforced under color of law, by their recently militarized bully boys in black. (Formerly in blue.)


h/t Andy L

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9 years ago

There is an important distinction between the Jefferson quote in the cartoon and the sentiment expressed by the editors of the NYT.

The key is “no free man”. There have been no free men on the soil of the United States since the War of Northern Aggression. All are treated as subjects of the government.

No government can prevent men who desire to be (become) free from acquiring arms. They can only intimidate those who are already subservient.

Tom Angle
9 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

That pretty much sums up Americans.

9 years ago

Let those calling the loudest for our disarmament, be the ones to come door-to-door and exercise their imagined authority. Cowards and treasonists are alway eager to have others do the dirty work of enforcing their corrupt notions upon us.

It is easy for them to make grand pronouncements, from the safe harbor of their pre-planned, pre-screened “town hall meetings” and campaign stops.
And it is just as easy for them to imagine that they might be successful, when they retire to their secure penthouses, surrounded by armed security at every moment.
But their imagined security is just as frail as the “police protection” which they demand that we rely upon.

It has been a long time since there has been an outright political assassination in America; and while I have no personal desire to see a replay of the violent 1960s, that is exactly the kind of environment which the leftists and globalists are fomenting in our already deeply fractured nation. And certainly it is a prime play in the leftist book, to use assassination as a tool of “political change”.

And unless I’m reading the tea-leaves incorrectly, they will need to ratchet things up substantially, in order to break the current stalemate they are experiencing in popular opinion against their designs for disarmament, and even tighter centralized control of every other aspect of our already corrupt an servile society.

In short, they’ve run squarely into Peak Compliance, and their only options are to press the ‘Pause’ button on their designs for a decade or so (to give the proles time to acclimate to the temperature of the water in the pot), or go all-in and attempt to push past the social breaking point, with the full understanding that they are setting things in motion which cannot be controlled or undone…

As I have been stating for several years now, I believe that they consider themselves “committed” and will push as hard as they have to to break the social stale-mate they are presently up against. Such a proposition is rather disturbing, considering that “as hard as they have to” will likely include wars of both civil and international scope, mass terror attacks, and financial collapse -- all to force everyone into abject dependence upon their governmental plantation system…