U.S. Ambassador Lewis Lukens’s sworn testimony in the case of Hillary Clinton’s privatization of the U.S. Secretary of State’s email is the first evidence to be released in the Clinton email cases, and it was published on May 26th at the website of Judicial Watch, the organization that originally brought the suit. Headlining “First Deposition Testimony from Clinton Email Discovery Released”, it reported that:
Judicial Watch today released the deposition transcript of Ambassador Lewis Lukens, former deputy assistant secretary of state and executive director of the State Department’s executive secretariat. The transcript is available here. Amb. Lukens was deposed last week as part of the discovery granted to Judicial Watch by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in response to its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecured, non-government email system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).
Arrogance? Ignorance? What difference does it make?
Maybe the question really is how much money she collected by allowing foreign governments to access our national security information. The only question that needs to be answered is whether she will be held accountable for her treason.
David DeGerolamo
The first order of congress should be to re-instate the “death by hanging” penalty for high treason, that the o’shitbag administration’s donkey ass, demoncrapic congress re-wrote. They knew this could happen, that the tables could be turned against them, and they covered their asses well, just in case.
I can’t wait to see her wretched ass swinging in the breeze, right along side the rest of the treasonous vermin in DC.
the democrats dont observe laws because they feel they have a divine right of rule of the nation , and only conservatives are bound by the laws, not democrats. I would like to state that when the SHTF every registered democrat voter must be rounded up and hanged for treason for supporting evil democratic regimes that continue to roll on.
TREASON, and Other High Crimes. We have a prescribed punishment for such…
And while the American people refuse to fulfill the law, we are under the same guilt as those who act in our name as our “leaders”.