First They Sent the Useful Idiots

  • First they sent the useful idiots to occupy and no one defended America.
  • Then they sent the celebrity endorsements and no one defended America.
  • Then the media gave them support and no one defended America.
  • Then Congressional leaders gave them their blessing and no one defended America.
  • Then the AFL-CIO president gave them union support and no one defended America.
  • And when America fell to tyranny, there was no one to defend freedom.

David DeGerolamo

AFL-CIO president visits Wall Street protesters

The Wall Street protesters have gotten a boost from the leader of a big trade union federation.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka appeared Friday morning at Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park. Trumka said he came to show his support and hear the protesters’ perspective.

He also brought bagels, water and other supplies. Protesters have been camping out for weeks at the park near Wall Street.

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