Flawed Logic from Matt Damon

“If we’re going to trade our civil liberties for our security, then that should be a decision that we collectively make, it shouldn’t be made for us.”

Matt Damon

In what world would anyone trade Liberty for security? Benjamin Franklin gave us the truth:

“Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.”

God gave us freedom through natural law. In Damon’s mind, the collective can transfer this God given right to the state.

David DeGerolamo

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11 years ago

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ” -Ben Franklin, 1755
I got curious about where that Franklin quote is from, turns out we’ve been misrepresenting his meaning!

He is actually complaining about the Pennsylvania assembly being prevented from levying a tax to pay for men and arms to defend the frontier from ” the insiduous Attacks of small Parties of skulking Murderers”, ie Indians . The “essential liberty” is the right of the colonial government to do its job which, in this case, is to defend the “Publick Welfare”.


11 years ago
Reply to  rogerunited

That quote would be a good argument for States’ Rights.