Flew back from New York City to face the hurricane.

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a follower
a follower
4 months ago

Refreshing to see and Hear a man anchored by his faith and in reality. Can you see the differance? No complaining, no whining! So where have people been? Why are there so many unprepared? No cash on hand, no gas? Two days in and willing to murder each other?

Silver Dolphins
Silver Dolphins
4 months ago

One daughter without power in Cherryville. One granddaughter and family without power or water in Gastonia. The remainder of the tribe comes together to provide power, food, water. Showers and food at their homes. I am proud of my tribe. Keep on prepping.

a follower
a follower
4 months ago

He is not living in fear. This does explain much.

4 months ago

My hero.