Florida is throwing the “tea in the harbor” by denying vaccine passports and nullifying all the plandemic tyranny rules of the Marxist DC Democrats

Image: Florida is throwing the “tea in the harbor” by denying vaccine passports and nullifying all the plandemic tyranny rules of the Marxist DC Democrats

Just say no to chemical violence and medical violence. Don’t be coerced into getting the Chinese Flu vaccines that contain experimental mRNA technology when the whole vaccine industry in this country has already dished out over $4 billion in damages to its victims, dead and alive. If you believe the vaccine industry is out to save you from disease and disorder, you are gravely mistaken.

The entire state of Florida is quite aware of this, and that’s exactly why Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis (R) just announced he’s taking EXECUTIVE ACTION against these tyrannical China Flu (Covid-19) vaccine passports.

DeSantis signs executive order PROHIBITING use of purported Covid-19 vaccine passports

The SS Police of America are beginning the Nazi-style “let’s see your papers” campaign where if you haven’t been polluted with mRNA bioweapons technology, inserted via vaccines, then you can’t travel anywhere, anymore. But it’s not working out so well for them. Florida just said no. No dice. Not happening here. DeSantis has a main goal of protecting Floridians from dirty vaccines. What does Governor DeSantis know about vaccines that you don’t?

These protections are about to be permanent also, as DeSantis begins signing them into law with the Legislature. Meanwhile, the Biden Regime and their CCP controllers are full-on attempting to launch “vaccine passports” nationwide, and prohibit any American from flying anywhere without their Nazi-style vaccine passports. It’s dirty politics piled on dirty medicine piled on a population reduction master plan.

Want to travel on an airplane? Get injected with the immune-system-controlling mRNA vaccine series, but don’t be surprised when the Bill Gates inoculation and Covid-22 wipes out all the vaccine victims.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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3 years ago

It is a shame that the governor (which I believe in Florida has no law making powers) feels that the Florida house and senate will not pass such a law, so he feels he has too.

It is time for all people to demand that their politicians fulfill their duty (follow the law), resign from office or else. This is the only 3 things that politically change anything. Voting will not.

John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

Desantis is awesome! He always stand up to DC.

3 years ago

I just came back from Fla -- let me tell you -its the first normal place I found -- while a small number of Democratic pockets are still pushing the scam demic -- Covid BS -- the majority of people are live and let live -- if you want to wear a mask -so be it — This State should be the model for everyone — Ron Desantis is definitely on my short list for any higher office and God is in this man -- from his strength and we need people like him — Trump’s got a real ally in him — I pray that evil just try’s — every time it try’s -- It backfires because when the truth comes out — the lie is shown — I will spend my money vacationing in FLA via traveling to other states until they change their BS

3 years ago
Reply to  woody8834

You all are always welcome to FL! Let’s hope this holds though…I am not so optimistic. Now I have a hard time trusting any of them, unless they are being banned and censored. Then I start to pay attn to them!

3 years ago
Reply to  woody8834

I was also in Florida last week. I was in Estero, FL on the west coast. I found a very mixed bag when it came to the wearing of the Chinese Face Diapers. In fact, I was in a Total Wine Liquor store and I went in without a mask. A salesman came up to me and asked me nicely to put on a mask. I respectfully challenged him on it citing their governor and how he had opened things up. As he was explaining that “corporate” had made the masks mandatory a woman about 10 feet away calls me “Stupid”. I look at her and say “what did you say?”. She then explodes and starts shouting “I’m a nurse and I see 100 people a day dying of Covid!”. As I’m saying BS to that statement she continues to yell at me as she stomps off. She throws her grenade and splits!
While driving home and hitting a few rest areas on I-75 about 90% of the people using the bathrooms are all in masks. Most of them are young too!
This is indeed has become a “Branch Covidian Cult”.

3 years ago

Sadly, desantis won’t be in office forever and neither will those in the house and senate who support such commom-sense rules/laws.
I hope and pray that those who enjoy these common-sensed rulings continue this practice and are unfazed by DC and the left.

3 years ago

Censorship is getting worse and worse. I still don’t understand how we allow it in America.

Ack Ack
Ack Ack
3 years ago

“…..the plandemic tyranny rules of the Marxist DC Democrats….”
Damn that’s laughable, and sadly, you’re still unable to see the forest for the trees
of the above mentioned (D.C. Uniparty) “tyranny”.
“By the time you go to court it takes so long to get the due process procedures.”
“I like taking guns away early,” he said. “Take the guns first, go through due process second”: dONALD tRUMP (rEPUBLICAN party nominee for pRESIDENT 2016) remarks at White House meeting/press conference two weeks after Stoneman-Douglas HS shooting. February 28, 2018.
*tRUMP also asserted that many Republicans were “petrified” of the NRA and called on lawmakers to produce a “comprehensive” gun bill.

Ack Ack
Ack Ack
3 years ago
Reply to  Ack Ack

President Trump: “I like taking the guns early … Take the guns first, go through due process second.”