Florida Republican Congresswoman Maria Salazar

This Congresswoman sits on the Foreign Affairs committee in the US House of Representatives. Can you imagine Ukrainian pilots fighting Russia with old Migs to defend their airspace as she suggests? I do not know why our “leaders” are trying to engage this country in a nuclear WWIII. Then again, I do not know why they are supporting a fraudulent president.

This issue is a diversion from what we should be looking at:

  1. Hyperinflation.
  2. Election fraud.
  3. The southern border.
  4. The Truckers’ Convoy.
  5. Biden’s criminal acts in Ukraine.
  6. Hillary Clinton spying on a sitting US President.
  7. The collapse of the petrodollar.
  8. The national debt.
  9. The SARS-COV2 origin in a US funded bioweapons laboratory in Wuhan.
  10. The number of people who have died in order for big pharma to reap profits on a gene therapy “vaccine”.

Unfortunately, this diversion will cause the deaths of millions (or more likely billions) of people. Remember their code that they must tell what they will do to us for some perverse reason:

News Man: Georgia Guidestones, The Missing Stone Now In ...

Watching this interview shows how out of touch the government is concerning representing the people. But the reality is that they are only representing themselves and our lives are inconsequential.

David DeGerolamo


Russia Says It Could Target Western Arms Supplies To Ukraine

A senior Russian official warned on March 12 that Moscow could target Western shipments of military equipment to Ukraine.

Speaking on state television, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow has warned the United States that it would see the deliveries of Western weapons to Ukraine as targets.

Ryabkov said Russia “warned the U.S. that pumping weapons from a number of countries it orchestrates isn’t just a dangerous move, it’s an action that makes those convoys legitimate targets.”


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Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

That was a great list of what they are trying to distract us from. The biggest omission is geoengineering, aka weather warfare, aka solar radiation management, aka climate control, [as compared to the false climate change narrative.] The climate is changing but due primarily to to spraying going on right above our heads.
They flood one area and drought out another. The result is crop failures. No bullets or bombs are needed. No one knows that they are under attack. No food results in no people. To become educated go to geoengineeringwatch.org with Dane Wigington.

2 years ago

David, all they have to do is wait out the news cycle on any of the major issues that are causing the downfall of this once great country. Each day there is so much going on it is no less than data overload, which is exactly the way the globalists planned it. Cloward & Piven on steroids. It is all quite depressing. I don’t know how the average person, devoid of a relationship with Jesus, could get through all this. My hope is in the Kingdom and not my short journey as an ambassador in a foreign land. I will still endeavor to do all I can, while I still draw breath in this world but, I know it is only a small part of our journey.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

The People do not want to be represent, they want to be ruled.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The southern border of the US. In case you’re interested. Try Borderlandbeat.com and Blog Del Narco for cartel news on our border. The latter is in Spanish, but with lots of pictures. Daily violence and atrocities. Coming to a neighborhood near you, real soon.

L. Hayes
L. Hayes
2 years ago

Dang woman, how can someone so young looking get so stupid? This thing is going the way Russia wanted. And here comes these moronic politicians shilling for the arms industry and wars to murder more innocent people. I wonder how many millions this broad is stuffing in her bra?

2 years ago

Why is it that we have to rescue countries for the oligarchs? Who is in the congresswomens district that she represents? Illegals?
Why are all of our elected officials only worried about Ukraine and not us?
Why has nobody looked at the history of the region to find out who is out of bounds? Why are citizens in this country so ignorant as to what is happening. Why would anybody support Ukraine knowing that it is a puppet of Soros and Claus Schwab.
If they want to support Ukraine, nobody is stopping them. Put your boots on and take your wallet and have at it

2 years ago

As usual Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard and Thomas Massie are the sane ones here. Salazar is just another neoconservative chicken hawk in the pockets of the defense industry.