Focus: BLM

christian mercenary

by T.L. Davis

In the new reality of freedom fighters and domestic terrorists it is important for militias and freedom fighters not to spend their credibility cheaply. What made the Bundy Ranch a success for the patriot forces was Cliven Bundy himself. I am aware of numerous individuals who would have sold out the efforts of their supporters for a reduced grazing fee, or a better payoff. 

This is one reason to take it further, to go outside the individual. We can not always rely on the backbone of those we seek to aid when the feds come calling with stock trailers and military garb. The nation is awake. A great example of this was the interchange between Harry Reid and Dean Heller, the Republican senator from Nevada. 

On KSNV-TV, Harry repeated his opinion that the supporters of Cliven Bundy were domestic terrorists while Heller called them patriots. 

Harry Reid’s reply was: “If they are patriots, we are in trouble.” Yes, Harry, people like you are in trouble, because those were patriots. That’s what undiluted, undiminished Americans look like when the government abuses their God-given rights. 


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