Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 45 Million for 55 Straight Months


The number of individuals receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, otherwise known as food stamps, has exceeded 45 million for 55 straight months, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture.

There were 45,368,265 beneficiaries of the food stamp program in October 2015, the latest month for which data is available. The number increased by over 85,000 from September to October.

Robert Doar, a poverty studies expert at the American Enterprise Institute, said that welfare programs like food stamps are helpful when they supplement the paycheck of working recipients, but they can also discourage recipients from working.

“When I ran the welfare programs in New York City we had a strong focus on supplementing full-time work with public assistance that could make wages go further—that was a good idea. Make work pay,” said Doar, who worked as a welfare commissioner for Michael Bloomberg when he was mayor of New York. “But sometimes as we promoted those programs and we made them easier to get on, they turned out to be work replacements, so an increasing number of people were coming in and saying I have no earnings, but I still want food stamp benefits.”



Imagine the votes the government is buying to secure your chains.

David DeGerolamo

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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Who said we’re not socialist? At least Bernie is honest about it.

9 years ago

The United States has been a Socialist nation since 1913…when President Taft was succeeded by Woodrow Wilson, “Progressive” communist bastard that he was. The same year the FED was created; the same year that the first US Federal income tax was imposed (16th Amendment), and the destruction of States’ Rights by the 17th Amendment (Popular Election of Seantors).

In 1912, All federal spending had been just $690,000 dollars. Wilson’s first budget raised that to a whopping $720,000, and it has been increasing every year, since then. The current federal deficit was first incurred under Wilson in 1917, and has been increasing ever since. In the 25 years prior to 1917, the deficits of local and state governments far outweighed that of the federal government, but beginning with Wilson, the federal deficit has outweighed that of all state and local governments combined.

Putting a progressive in the white house is about as dangerous to our country as an open flame in a carbide factory…