The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—AKA food stamps–has topped 46,000,000 for 38th straight month, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).
In October 2014, the latest month reported, there were 46,674,364 Americans on food stamps. Food stamp recipients have exceeded 46 million since September 2011.
Jobs should be provided for people and not a free hand-out. Give them pride in themselves and what they can do like in a cottage industry. Keep it simple.
But then politicians would not be able to control the people. They must enslave you with entitlements to get your vote to stay in office. Then they can extract tribute from the rest of the people.
They stay in power and both factions have lost their freedom.
David is correct. And to caveat, there is a snowballs chance in hell that “voting” will ever change this status quo. These power elitists will NEVER let go of their privilage and will exact from the masses their pound of flesh no matter what all while the lobbyists and corporations pull the strings.