For Your Amusement

HYPOCRISY: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Sure was Funny and allowed when it was Trumps Head…..

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3 years ago

Getting banned is just another way of getting a long deserved rest from posting. It also drives home the point you are on to something if it pisses the other side off. Heck, I don’t know how you look at it but I never missed a chance to up the down staircase. Hang in there and thanks for a good chuckle.

3 years ago

Sad the world ( LEFT) doesn’t see it the same way -- the people on the left want to insight violence and use any method — I hate to break it to them — they are dumber than a box of rocks — if you want to defund the only protection you really have — the local Police, and then support the deep state government surrogates — I think you will find all the trouble you want —

3 years ago
Reply to  woody8834

So true that the police protect the ProgreSSive democRats as We are much less in need of police services.
I would venture to say if Citizens were Free to enforce the Rule of Law. actually the laws onthe books, this criminal insanity would have been stilled years ago.

3 years ago

Positive indicator that you’re over the target. 👍🏼