For Your Consideration

I was always curious why people would support Socialism/Communism in this country. I understand that our children have been indoctrinated by our “educational” system to transfer their allegiance from self-sufficiency and God to the state. I also understand that these true believers were conditioned to blame the “rich” for an unfair distribution of wealth which translates into perceived rights and social justice in their minds

History has shown us the true end result of such a system. Look no further than Venezuela for last year’s poster child failure of Socialism. But we can look to the United States today for what our future would have been under Bernie Sanders and his cult. Constitutional rights superseded by diktat. Inept government attempts to supply people and businesses with helicopter money to buy limited resources of food, seeds, guns and medical supplies. A collapse of resource distribution, travel restrictions and the ability to work. Democrat socialist state governors seizing power is one of the hallmarks of Socialist revolutions.

Have you considered that this pandemic may be a message from God to show us what would be our future if we continued down the government’s road to serfdom? As food shortages loom on the horizon and people are fleeing the cities if they are able, how much time do we have before “two more weeks” becomes a rallying cry for revolution?

Let’s be blunt: civil war is not the correct term for the coming change of government. It is a revolution that may restore the Constitution, a new government or the balkanization of this Great Experiment. If the country does split into geographic regions, I pity the liberal west coast, upper midwest and northeast bastions of looters.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

I agree this will not be a civil war. It will be a revolution of sorts. My hope would be that we can preserve the Republic as it grew to be, 50 united states. I feel this is a dream and not reality. I feel the United States will become balkanized. The people are already divided. Now the only questions a person has to ask is who will settle where and who will pay the freight for all the free loaders in the new and better, former USA.