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I was standing watch port side bridge wing 0300 onboard US Research ship along the equator, 1993. We were working in conjunction with the Space Shuttle coordinating experiments. I noticed a new “star” seemed to pop out of nowhere. It grew in size and intensity. It made unimaginable flight changes. Something like a veil dissolved and it then became as bright as noon. The entire Port side from the ship to the horizon was bright as day while the Starboard side remained dark.
Without taking my eyes off the object I backed to the Bridge and asked the OOD to come out. He had already seen the phenomenon and was on his way out to the bridge wing. The scene lasted for several minutes. I was ordered to get the Executive Officer. By the time I got him up on the Bridge, the show was winding down. He just got to see it as it whisked away. As it left that veil returned to dim the light intensity and then looked as though it was going straight up until it disappeared.
I was left with the strongest impression that it would come back. I told the OOD my gut feeling. I was right we had a repeat performance the following night at the same time. The Exec said he wanted to see it if it returned. This time we got him on the horn and got to see some of it as well.
I left out a lot for brevity’s sake.
This is recorded in the ship’s log. There are zero drugs/alcohol on board ship. It ain’t just another Sea Story.
I never believed in that stuff either until then. Now, I don’t know.
I don’t doubt you saw what you saw -- but in todays world of computers and technological stuff- so its going to take more than something darting around it the sky at a couple thousand feet for me to believe — I also believe their is life in the galaxy but this comes at a time when the Demo-rats are grasping at straws to hide their criminal actions so they would love to spread the fear card
Woody, this was in the 90s when the only computers were government. We were 1,000 miles from the nearest land. We all saw it unobscured from our Bridge. Twice.
My take away.
There was something of particular interest regarding our joint exercise and experiments with the Space Shuttle. My job. Drive the vessel, watchstander, operate deck equipment ie cranes, AFrames rolling stock. The officers were all scientists. We’re all pretty sober-minded and serious. Like I said earlier I would have rolled my eyes when anyone told me a story like this before.
Apparently interstellar vehicles are required to use terran strobe patterns also.
The law requires all spy planes and experimental aircraft to activate their “hands up, don’t shoot” beacons when buzzing US Navy warships.
Dana, never doubt the existence of UFOs. They are recorded throughout history in every culture that ever existed. And it is backed up within the bible. What you have to be wary of is the mistaken notion of their origin. I am a Christian and a firm believer in the bible as the word of God. UFOs are from two original sources (God and Satan). A third source is Earth as the technology has been given to mankind in these last days. I’ve never seen one except possibly once (but cannot confirm); yet I know for certain they exist. Folks who mock the idea will someday be surprised. I don’t discuss this with but a few people.
Sir, I too am a Christian and I put my faith and trust in Him. I think your assessment of their origins is correct.
All the news lately is serious and doom and gloom.
I shared this story because it wasn’t serious. It’s kind of goofball. Take it for what it is or leave it. I’m a sailor and we tend to tell stories.
My years at sea were the best years of my life. I carry memories of some really incredible and beautiful scenes which include several hurricanes. What a rush.
Pretty sure i saw this episode:
An ancient Goa’uld mothership design, pyramidal in shape, which the parasitic race has used for thousands of years. Ra himself used this type of craft to capture aboriginal humans from Earth many thousands of years ago.
yes. Seems a little wild “coincidental” how so many of our shows reflect some possible Truths.
Watched stargate continuum last night, a very good movie.
Back of the dollar, cap stone being placed, Pyramid schemes.
x files music please!
If you believe in God or not it would be very small minded of us to think we are the only life there is.
Really, look at today’s society and tell me how intelligent we are ? I am sorry but the outlook is pretty grim, I believe mankind had more intelligence 3500 years ago. Plus I have seen what I have seen and your not going to change my mind.
As unimaginably huge as the universe is, it would be arrogant, I think, that we are the only life form. That coupled with this and other evidence I sort of lean towards the possibility that whoever/whatever they are they are friendly. Unless it’s just another “crisis” on the drawing board.
A species capable of interstellar flight might consider humans to be lower than cockroaches throughout most of our history. No doubt their interest was tweaked after Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and by our nuclear testing.
One seems to have standard anti-collision lights blinking.
Did they attack or land and get out and walk around -- I won’t believe anything people say they saw until the above happens --We need them to touch down -- and get off and communicate with us --theirs a lot of cinema and tricks can be staged with mirrors and other thing to make this appear -- not to say their isn’t life beyond our planet but this doesn’t do it for me -guess since the Scam-Demic didn’t work -now we are going to spread fear that the alien’s are attacking -- I’m not buying it
I do not see any fear being spread. Lighten up. It was just a news report. Take information and make your own intelligence but use the proper tools and knowledge to make intelligence upon which to act. At this point, I would trust aliens capable of interstellar travel who have not attacked us more than I trust our government.
This link has more to do with your Reply than the article. I think it needs it’s own Posting if you agree. Not much exceeds my reality, but this appears to be a Reality. Start watching at 3:30.
This is all part of project bluebeam, look it up.