For Your Consideration

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1 year ago

Only one way to change ANYTHING. And it ain’t pretty.

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1 year ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

We are way, way past impotent “words” and speeches my friend.

1 year ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

When I talk to officeholders and regualtory hacks -- I tell them -- the people do not want to be violent, but they are starting to really connect the dots on how you are killing them and their kids… once that critical mass of people with the skill set is achieved -- the guilty parties will start disasppearing.
The Alaskan Inuit indians occassionally have a person born into their tribe with the physical brain deficiency that produces psychopathy. They molest the women and children and are lazy. So, the solution the Inuit hunters use is simple. They take the miscreant out hunting and push him off the ice pack.
True psychopathy is caused by a brain deformity. Four percent of the US population appears to have it. That’s 13,200,000 people running around our country screwing things up for everyone with their little evil game playing.
Apparently, real psychopaths are only entertained. They don’t have emotions like normal people. Their greatest fear is boredom -- so they pick fights, and start playing games with other people’s lives and careers. For them, dominance plays are a daily expression of who they really are. Anyone who upsets their control tactics -- is viciously attacked.
The American people are really connecting the dots now. They are realizing that it is time to quietly push the psychopaths off that ice pack. Let’s hope it can be done figuratively instead of literally. Let’s do what we can to inform our law enforcement about what is really going on -- so that they can lead the charge.

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1 year ago

All those ass-clowns do is talk and raise their voice but what really changes or happens -- absolutely NOTHING!!! More horse & pony show folks -- do NOT fall for the b.s. theater.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Yea isn’t that great, BS uniparty getting tough, all talk no action.

1 year ago

Opera Non Verba -- Deeds, Not Words

1 year ago

No Captain Obvious, the scary part is watching you AGAIN bloviating and than walking off. Make sure the obligatory nasty tweets are sent too.

1 year ago

All Talk from the uni-party. twittle dee and twittle dum conversing back and forth, what a joke on the American people. Instead of hearings they should be defunding and cutting off the money flow which would force them cut their workforce by 2/3. the money most stop going to the bureaucracy, but that’s not what these clowns are doing, they are doing the opposite and funding them with even higher amounts of our tax dollars to grow even larger. Iam sick of watching them holding their phony hearings.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil