For Your Consideration

Image result for fall of the berlin wall

When I was growing up in the Cold War, the irrefutable argument against Communism was simple. If Communism was a better system, why do they have a wall in Berlin to keep people from leaving? There was no counter argument for this fact and its removal was the beginning of the end of a divided Germany.

Today we have a similar situation in this country. The people are divided between Western culture and Communism in the guise of Socialism. The analogy today is the impeachment hearings led by the treasonous Deep State’s puppets in the House. If their case was so strong:

  1. Why did the hearings start in the Intelligence Committee?
  2. Why were secret hearings held by only one party?
  3. Why did the Democrats pass HR 660 codifying a one sided process limiting the defense of the President?
  4. Why was Adam Schiff not censored for lying about the President’s conversation on the record?
  5. Why did the Judicial Committee not follow their own HR 660 resolution allowing for one day of minority witness testimony.
  6. Why did they change the law concerning whistle blowers to allow hearsay?
  7. Why was the whistle blower’s identity hidden?

There are more questions concerning this impeachment but the analogy to the Berlin Wall is the same: if the Democrats had cause to impeach the President, why did they put up this wall of secrecy and lies?

Pending a civil war prior to the 2020 elections, we may see the dismantling of the Democrat Party in November. Do not underestimate the resolve of the Deep State; they want a civil war in this country and 2020 is as good a time as any. The Open Society 2.0 funded by Soros and the State Department are organizing Antifa for a purpose.

I do not want to imagine a life under the control of the Deep State’s tyranny. Then again, I know that I will never submit to their evil. We have to ask ourselves now what we need to do in order to prevent this takeover and plan for the worst case scenario if they win.

David DeGerolamo

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5 years ago

“I do not want to imagine life under control of the Deep State’s tyranny.” … Well, David, you’re in luck this Friday the 13th … you don’t have to imagine … merely observe the behaviors of our current FedGov Elite.

Not different at all from the behaviors under the Soviet Union:

“The Bolsheviks knew that if the peoples of the new Soviet Union were free to give their consent as to who governed them, they would not choose the Bolsheviks. This fact was made manifest with the loss by the Bolsheviks to the non-communist Socialist Revolutionary Party in the first post-revolution elections to the Constituent Assembly. The Bolshevik reaction to this loss was summarily to execute the various delegates who assumed their seats in elected office.The extent of the internal security problem can be usefully measured by the actions the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) took to address it. These can be briefly summarized as follows:

-- the Party’s monopoly of information and communications, including its vast propaganda system, its monopoly of printing, copying, paper, newspapers, radio, television, etc.;

-- its monopoly of education;

-- its monopoly of entertainment and culture: books, music, art, film, theater, etc.;

-- its monopoly of economic power and its control over: employment, promotion, job transfer, production and distribution, and the enforcement of “parasitism” laws;

-- the KGB and its various structures and methods, such as block committees, forced recruitment of citizens to be informants,and pervasive surveillance;

-- its arbitrary use of the legal system to serve its political ends;

-- its control over all internal travel, through the internal passport system and other required documents;

-- its control of the borders and all external travel; and its penetration of all organized social bodies --including clubs, fraternal organizations, hobby groups, sports organizations, and even the family --to prevent them from becoming fronts for organized opposition;

-- creating such an atmosphere of distrust (due to the pervasive coercive cooptation of people as secret police informants) that it produced the atomization of society --i.e., the separation of each individual from all others so that he or she was isolated and incapable of organizing with others in resistance to the regime; “

Source: Political-Ideological Warfare in Integrated Strategy

5 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Out of control?

No, government is absolute control through the monopoly on use of force.

When you accept the argument that people need governance …

… you have subordinated your life to the will of other people.

Timothy E Tucker
Timothy E Tucker
5 years ago

Nice catch, Hans. Haven’t read the source document yet but will be studying later. Commies don’t have much creativity and tend to follow the blueprints laid out by their saints. I think we all realize what is going on in the USA as we are suiting up and hardening resolve. Thanks for posting this confirmation of Bolshevik tactics. TET.