Former Marine Told To Get Rid of His Guns or Move Out by Colorado Apartment Landlord

Imagine you’ve been living in your home or apartment for several years. You’re an avid hunter, sports shooter, or simply someone who wants to protect their family should an individual with criminal intent coming breaking down your door. You own a handgun, rifle, crossbow, or other self defense weapon.

All of a sudden you receive a memo from your management company or Homeowners Association advising you of a policy change that you can no longer own a weapon if you live on the property. As an American you’d likely be surprised at such a note in your mailbox, especially considering that the fundamental law of the land gives you the right to own a firearm or weapon for self defense.

But this is exactly what happened to tenants of the Oakwood apartment complex in Castle Rock, Colorado.

As of October 1, 2013, residents of the apartments have been told that they can no longer “display, use or possess any firearms.”

Retired Marine Art Dorsch, 77, contacted 9News in Castle Rock, Colorado after receiving the “updated community policies” notice which turns his fine adobe into a “victim disarmament zone.”

“I’m a hunter. I’m a licensed conceal and carry person,” Dorsch said to the news channel.

That didn’t matter to the apartment manager who wants to create a mini-Chicago.

A handwritten note on the typed letter reads “The manager said no licenced [sic] concealed” is allowed either.

“It upsets me very much,” Dorsch said.


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Terry InTheHills (@UpInTheHills)

Now the criminals and gang bangers know where to break in and terrorize tenants! Way to go, commie loons! This complex should be liable for any crimes that occur since now no one can defend themselves there per their unconstitutional and communist mandate.