After extensive cell phone, laptop, and vehicle GPS data analysis, going back 4 years, Ryan Wesley Routh visited Fort Bragg 147 times, staying overnight on 29 occasions.
— Tony Seruga (@TonySeruga) December 21, 2024
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Guy has a lot of ties in NC. Long criminal history in Greensboro and Charlotte.
I am sure there will be attempts to attach him to someone or some group at some point.
A Jan 6th version of 7 degrees of Ryan Wesley Routh
Fort Bragg--pffft! Just a coincidence --right? Never mind that Fort Bragg was the epicenter of MKULTRA experiments. Pffft! Just look the other way. There is nothing to see here. This guy was a lone nut --yet again. Who was acting solely on his own --again. And who just happened to be privy to the secret movements of President Elect Trump --he just got lucky, again. There’s nothing here to see. This is just more conspiracy rubbish --again, and again and again….
It depends on if the data says ‘on base’ or just in Fayetteville near Bragg. He was living in Greensboro, maybe he has family in Fayetteville? It may be easy to confuse someone near Ft. Bragg as being in Ft. Bragg?
If he has GPS data indicating that he drove onto the base, where you have to show ID or have a sticker on your car or both, which is required after 9/11 at Ft. Bragg, then he should state that.
He did not say Fayetteville, he said Ft. Bragg. I think if you look at his credentials, you will see that he would not make a mistake in the location.