Fox is cancelling FreedomWatch, according to sources.
For anyone who has ever watched the Judge, you know his was the last serious show on television with a genuine appreciation for Liberty. He is a strong Paul advocate (perhaps that’s why he’s being cancelled?)
I bet we will see the Judge shortly on GBTV.
David DeGerolamo
Have you signed the petition?
Do not cancel FREEDOM WATCH!
Petition up on dailypaul(dot)com
I agree with the comment about GBTV -- I loved watching the judge, until he turned his show into what seemed like a never-ending political advertisement for Ron Paul. That’s too bad, because before we got so heavy into the election cycle, he had some really good shows.
Having known for a couple of years that the Judge is a truther, advocacy for Ron Paul was not a surprise.
The main reason that channels choose to cancel shows is because they are not receiving favorable ratings and so the Commercial slots are worth less money. Therefore they reason that the show that is currently on the air is not worth the money they use to make and air that show and so would risk their capital with a new project. That being said the Freedomwatch cancellation is coming out ouf the blue. On the FBN it is a truly unique show that separates it from the rest, it is bringing in a new untampered audience, and its ratings were doing very good. So what’s the deal? Sure, there may be some people in the network that don’t like what the judge has to say, but all that can be balanced out by the media darlings that they CAN control. With profit being the bottom line, cancelling this show should be a no-go. I don ‘t want to believe that the judge’s show might actually help Ron Paul win the nomination or give him a fair chance to compete, but it does seem that way. To be honest I haven’t heard of a fair market-driven explanation for this but I would love to hear it.