It must be war fought to annihilate the enemy, not merely to displace him from the capitals.
It must not stop short after having torn down the opponent’s flags and statues.
We must entertain no further fantasies about establishing “democracy” among savages.
It didn’t work in South Vietnam.
It didn’t work in Afghanistan.
Despite temporary appearances to the contrary, it didn’t work in Iraq.
To spare you any doubt about where I’m headed, I’ll make it absolutely explicit.
It can only work among Christians and Jews.
Unspeakable, you say? Racist, sexist, ethnicist, Islamophobic? Of course it is! Thank you for noticing.
the only way this could ever work 100% if we lock up every lunatic demon-rat in the country. the demon-rats are the internal enemies of the state and they will have to all be dealt at some point in time , if not the demon-rats will crush and destroy us while we sleep at night.
Take it for what it is worth…
We meddled in Europe and it gave rise to Hitler.
We meddled in Cuba and it gave us Castro and the flood of “refugees” in the 1970s and again today.
We meddled in Asia and it gave us mass murder in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam along with thousands and thousands of “refuges.”
We meddled in Africa and sat back while thousands of White were slaughtered in Rhodesia and South Africa and countless blacks across the continent and of course the on going stream of “refugees” as well.
We meddled in the middle east and after 23+ years we have destabilized the region and while we discuss another increase in the same policy by the same people who brought us this mess are taking in thousands and thousands of “refuges.”
Isn’t it about time we drop the globalist manipulations and aspirations in favor of the wisdom of the founders?
“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world”: it was George Washington’s Farewell Address to us. The inaugural pledge of Thomas Jefferson was no less clear: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none.”
None are so firmly enslaved as those bound by treaty; for the punishment of breaching treaties is war and destruction…