France, Britain flout US objections on arms to Syrian rebels

Hollande, Obama, Cameron - no longer a threesome on Syria

Hollande, Obama, Cameron – no longer a threesome on Syria

Working through Jordan, Britain and France are determined to get arms shipments to the Syrian rebels fighting Bashar Assad –  parting ways for the first time with the Obama administration’s objections to this course throughout Syria’s two-year civil war

The two European powers have embarked on  concrete step to make this possible..
DEBKAfile’s exclusive military sources reveal that Jordanian Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Mashal Mohammad Al Zaben was secretly flown into Brussels by British military plane Friday, March 14, as 24 European Union leaders led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel voted down the motion put before them by UK Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande to end the bloc’s embargo on arms for the Syrian opposition.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said EU foreign ministers will again assess the embargo at a meeting on March 22-23 in Dublin.

Outside the chamber, the Jordanian general sat down quietly with British army and security officials to work out the details of the transfer of British arms through his country, and decide to which Syrian rebel units they would be allotted.

This choice is of paramount importance because President Barack Obama accounts for his objection to letting the rebels have Western arms by the risk of their falling into the hands of Islamist militias, such as the al Qaeda-linked Jabat al-Nusra.


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