Franklin County, NC – 2nd Amendment Resolution

The Democrat majority of the Franklin County Board of Commissioners introduced their own 2nd amendment resolution to circumvent a stronger resolution submitted by the Republican minority at the previous meeting.

This resolution was approved by the board of commissioners without any dissent. It was given to the commissioners just prior to the meeting and no changes were allowed. Another great example of Democracy – mob rule by the majority without compromise.

The resolution was the result of politics, not the protecting our 2nd amendment rights. But I have to congratulate the Democrats: they played their hand to perfection and handed the Republicans (and the people) their heads.

David DeGerolamo

Related Article:

Franklin County, NC Commissioners’ Meeting – 2nd Amendment Resolution Introduced

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Backwoods Engineer
12 years ago

David, I was there, too; I was sitting over to your right.

I was the guy they called up to speak, but didn’t go up. I’m a bit ashamed about that, as I did sign up to comment. But after watching the faces of the Democrat majority while the other public commenters were speaking, I decided not to waste my time, nor anybody else’s. I knew their minds were made: they would not accept the Republican members’ resolution.

The Democrats on the Board, as well as their plant among the public commenters, know that if they agree that Federal gun grabs are possible, that they are betraying their power-usurping messiah, Obama. I’m afraid that when the time comes, Sheriff Jones will be sent down the road kicking rocks, and the Board will appoint a Sheriff that will take guns.

That was a very disappointing night.

I have some notes from the meeting, and plan to post them today on my blog, Backwoods Engineer. If you like, I can email you, and if you want, you can link to them.

Thanks for being there and recording this.