Evangelical preacher the Rev. Franklin Graham has warned that much like the decline of the Babylonian empire close to 2,500 years ago, America may also be staring down at its end, unless it turns back to God.
“What’s the writing on the wall for America? As a nation we are found lacking because of sin and disobedience to God’s Holy Word. We have not honored Him. If we don’t turn back to God, I fear that our end will be near,” Graham wrote on Facebook Sunday.
He noted that 2,500 year ago, present day Iraq was known as the Babylonian empire, and boasted one of the largest armies in the world at the time.
“Its king, Belshazzar, was having a big party drinking and boasting with his wives, his mistresses, and his nobles,” Graham described, referring to the account in the book of Daniel in the Bible.
He added: “While they were partying, the hand of God appeared and wrote a message on the wall, terrifying everyone including King Belshazzar. His face grew pale and his knees went weak. Daniel is called in to interpret the handwriting which says three things: ‘Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.'”
As his esteemed amazing Father once said: “If God doesn’t Judge America He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”
In the 90’s and up to about 2005 I was part of the Promise Keeper movement and went to DC with countless hundreds of thousands of my brothers in Christ (ignored by Big Media and the numbers grossly under-reported) as we filled the DC Mall with worship and repentance.
I have a memory of well over half a million of Christian men on their knees (and bellies) at the same time asking for forgiveness for their and America’s sins against God.
Who knows how much time that bought us?
We desperately need another Great Awakening…another national revival…time really is running out.
Amen Brother.
Stand in the Gap 1997 Washington DC
My mistake I posted the 9-12 DC video (that I was also at and was also grossly under reported by the media) instead of Stand In the Gap. Here is Stand in the Gap.
Boycott Franklin Graham and the NRA’s Gun Control Convention..
A few years ago, the NRA made their annual meeting a “gun free zone”. This year, liberal gun grabbers are excited because the NRA hired a speaker who supports background checks. When did the NRA Annual Meeting become a gun control convention?
The liberal gun control group The Brady Campaign is thrilled that the NRA hired anti-gunner Franklin Graham to pray at their convention. Graham sold out Americans by supporting background checks while Obama was trying to exploit the Newtown tragedy. Now, just a year later, he is headlining the NRA’s convention? I don’t care that he is trying to go back on his position now. This is a complete betrayal of gun owners by the NRA.
NRA members should boycott the convention. Background checks would give the government a paper trail on every single gun sale in America. The next stop after that is a federal gun registry, which would destroy the 2nd Amendment. Yet the NRA is happy to feature a prominent pro-background check figure at their yearly meeting? Nobody who supports gun rights should stand for it.
The truth is that the NRA has surrendered on background checks before. In 2007, they struck a deal with senior Democrats to strengthen background checks by bribing states to send gun buyer data to the federal government. In 1999, Wayne LaPierre testified that background checks were a good thing. And now they are cuddling up to Franklin Graham.
NRA members need to stop being dazzled by all the membership perks and shooting events and start holding their leadership accountable. The NRA does not exist to entertain gun owners. They are supposed to be protecting our rights. Yet they consistently betray us for people like Franklin Graham and Mitch McConnell, another gun phony who is speaking at the meeting this year, who the NRA has given more money to than any other member of Congress.
The NRA thinks that its members are sheep who will listen to anyone that the NRA leadership puts in front of them. Boycotting the convention would let them know who is the boss.
Don’t listen to “Rich” above. He clearly doesn’t know what he is talking about, or worse yet is a gun control advocate who is only trying to smear Franklin Graham. Franklin Graham does not even remotely support gun control? I used to work for him and have met him many times. The walls of his office are covered with rifles. His office has exposed beams on the ceiling with antique lever action rifles hanging on them. The mantle over the fireplace has WWII bolt action rifles propped on it. Franklin owns multiple class III firearms. One of my best friends has shot them. Franklin Graham is a good person, and you should listen to what he has to say.
Gun Grabber Franklin Graham: ‘Draw Muhammad’ event went too far..
Boycott Franklin Graham and the NRA’s Gun Control Convention | Exposing Modern Mugwumps
Franklin Graham & Richard Land(CFR): WRONG on National Background Checks for Gun Buyers
I stand by my posts on their original points of agreeing with Franklin Graham and his esteemed Father’s warnings to America on God’s long delayed judgement of America…I just finished reading all the attachments Rich sent on the NRA & Franklin Graham’s wavering on the hands off purity of the 2nd Amendment as well as Jeremey’s personal friendship with and support of Franklin Graham.
Personally, I believe both the Grahams, especially Billy are two of the greatest evangelical forces of our times…how many souls have been put on the path of their salvations through the conduit of Billy Graham? Countless millions. Franklin’s work for the Kingdom of God is a fitting follow up and I have no doubt he has touched and will continue to touch millions as well.
However, I am an Originalist and a strict Constitutionalist (as Rich is) and without a pure 2nd amendment the entire Bill of Rights is in jeopardy.
I resent having been finger printed like a criminal and paying the government to be forced to be registered to carry a gun and then who knows…one day tracked down…because of my many weapons (I’m not a hunter I’m a 21st century Minute Man) and determination to defend myself from criminals, thugs, and enemies both foreign and domestic…including my own government, who is rapidly becoming the greatest threat to my personal liberty and freedom.
The NRA is a powerful force for Gun Rights…but not as pure as Rich (or I) would like and I disagree with some of the past stands of Franklin Graham on Gun CONTROL…and voicing that opinion respectfully to both is how I approach this disagreement.
Here are a few comments on CONTROL:
Climate Change is about Economic CONTROL
Obamacare is about Individual American’s Healthcare CONTROL & National Economic CONTROL
Zero Interest rates are about Wealth Transfer from savers to Wall Street & Banker’s CONTROL
QE (printing fiat dollars from thin air and then lending it at a profit) is about more Banker’s Wealth CONTROL
PC is about the Left’s Thought/Speech & 1st Amendment CONTROL
High Taxes and Endless Government regulations are about Expanding Bloated Government’s CONTROL
Massive Federal Spending/Debt is about paying back favors and retaining Political CONTROL The one voice Secular Progressive Main Stream Media is about People, Programing, News, Messaging, low information voter CONTROL
Increasing Food Stamps are about increasing Government dependency & CONTROL
Lock step Liberal Professors brainwashing generations of students is about future CONTROL
The IRS is about enforcing Big Government’s CONTROL
Open Borders leading to one party rule is about complete political CONTROL
K-Street Lobbyists are about special interest politician CONTROL
Abortion on demand is about murder CONTROL
The United Nations and Agenda 21 is about New World Order CONTROL
and yea you guessed it -- Gun Control is defiantly about American We the People CONTROL!
Dear NRA…..
STOP “negotiating” excuses to INFRINGE on OUR RIGHTS.
If there must be background checks, let’s try this idea…
Are there any ‘legislators’ that are interested in a CONSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND CHECK?
Since SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED means exactly that..
Let’s try a “Background Check” that DOES NOT INFRINGE on anybodies RIGHTS…
A FULL, IN DEPTH background check for ALL Politicians, Bureaucrats, and ALL government employees, and set MINIMAL INTELLIGENCE, JOB SKILLS AND CHARACTER QUALITIES that must be met before they can run for office, be appointed of hired.
That way, WE, THE PEOPLE, get a much better class of politicians and bureaucrats, as well as EMPLOYEES that can be trained to do the jobs they are being hired for.
Any bets on how hard the political class will fight to prevent it?
THAT would be a Background Check that nearly ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS will support.and I don’t much care if the illegals and their sycophants don’t like the idea.