Fraternal Order of Police Prediction: Chicago Violence Ready to Explode This Summer

Chicago uprising Jonathan Gibby Getty

Disrespect for the Chicago police is at an all time high and as the weather turns warmer this summer, the city’s already high level of violence is ready to explode, especially if new proposed policies are adopted. So warns an official with Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).

In a new interview, Dean Angelo, Sr., President of Chicago Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7, expressed foreboding about the summer months as gang violence in the city ramps up to a fever pitch as it usually does in the warmer weather. But the climate of violence isn’t just because of the temperature.

Angelo criticized as “ridiculous” Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s pubic pronouncements that the Chicago PD is fraught with systemic racism and warned that the disrespect Emanuel’s words fostered toward police, and possible changes being proposed in the state legislature, will cause the city to “light up” this summer.

During the interview conducted by local AM radio host Dan Proft, Angelo said claims of racism is “a complete disconnect.” The FOP leader also noted that his organization has repeatedly suggested that lawmakers and policy wonks ride along with police to see what the officers face every day. Angelo said:



I suppose a majority of readers would say that “it could not happen to a better city”. But then again, there are other cities that were better and violence will occur in several this year. Including Cleveland and Philadelphia.

And I suppose many readers understand that this is the kind of crisis that the government wants. I do not see any course of action for now but preparation, patience and faith.

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

I assume you mean the government wants this so it can implement martial law or some such? We saw two cities burned by the chimpouts in Ferguson and Baltimore-and no martial law.

All these thugs do is destroy their own neighborhoods and drive liberals into the ‘burbs.

8 years ago
Reply to  rogerunited

Ah, Baltimore…home to slime ball Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi. Of course her name then was Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro whose father was a two term Mayor there. It’s true, Democrats own the Ghettos.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike12508

‘Democrats own the ghettos.’

That was LBJ’s plan, ‘I’ll have those niggers voting Democrar for two hundred years’.

He’s also supposed to have said, after signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, ‘We have lost The South for a generation’; I think he underestimated.

8 years ago

I’m sure they’re not pleased that there will be a white man in the White House the summer after this one. I’ll be in the streets myself then, much like the Muslims on 9/11.

8 years ago

O’boy…soon flying into the Windy City murder capitol of the country spending most of next week on a business trip…totally and completely gunless!!!

Rut Roo…first thing that comes to my mind is:

Copperhead Mick/Wop Lives Really, Really Do Matter!!!