Frédéric Bastiat on Socialism

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“Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.”


Today’s analogy:

And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to breathe because we do not want the state to cause climate change.

Wait. They have already said this. That may be the reason why “they” want only 500 million people on the Earth. And if you are reading this, you are not one of the 500 million.

David DeGerolamo

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Publius Huldah
6 years ago

Bastiat was the best thing to ever come out of France.

Tim Benner
6 years ago

Too bad the who need to understand this, can’t understand this. As Hillary has said, “my Democrat voters are stupid.”

6 years ago

Montesquieu’s works on the ideas of the physical size of The State has profound influence on what type of government insued, as it turns out he was correct. The anti federalist depended on his ideas and arguments to a large extent.
There is another fellow lot of people hardly hear of, Gary North, who in the 80’s published one heck of an outlier, which he made free for all, called “Conspiracy in Philadelphia”, essentially North looks at the creation of the USC as a wholly unexpected, at the time of the convention of the representatives of each of the 13 individual nation states of the Compact, who came to Philly to iron out some needed modifications of their Confederation, only to find this federal style constitution. Very much to their surprise and consternation, an instrument which embodied a centralized administrative government, which they had all spent blood fortunes and risked everything to get away from.
Another aspect of North’s outlier is the absence of scripture and God in this new constitution, and the decades long battle to satisfy the suspicions of most of the 13 nation states, or as Patrick Henry put it in his succinct straight to the point fashion, famous, “I smell a rat” comment. It is why the BoR ended up as the Amendments because none of the Statescwould ratify this instrument of regulatory tyranny without the BoR clauses to counter the total absence of sanction of natural inalienable God given primal birth rights. As Henry also stated, power given once now was very difficult to take away later.
North’s other work Political Polythesum, speaks directly to the lack of scripture in far more detail and the suspicions of the Sivereign peoples of the Compact States.

This opened up an entire new and different perspective for myself, and regarding all what the humanists and their historical revisionists have done to hide so much critical thinking and history of our true past and the legacy those folks left us, North’s research and conclusions has not been well received by not only the Fabians but the “conservatives”, especially them as it destroys their entire illusion as the approved “right”. In simplest language, we sure have been mushroomed and fed shit in no uncertain terms.

I see Patrick Henry as most likely the greatest influence in pre revolution and USC ratification colonial America. They guy was relentless. He went after everyone including Jefferson, who Henry held all their feet to the fire but right and proper. It’s almost countless the times he saved everyone’s bacon from the Statist/coruptocrats of the time who where constantly looking for opportunity to catch a people unawares and vulnerable at this great period of everyone trying to figure out what Liberty was.

6 years ago

This is a superlative brief yet succinct history of the second amendment by David Vanercoy:

There is no other work like it. Written in the 80’s it’s probably the last work to escape the gate keepers, and probably because it is a registered work in the Congressional library. Hardly anyone knows of it.
To me it defines everything, because literally it is the right to arms that made America and us pissible, it is the greatest issue in the West since the twelve century, because it is the rifle which for the first time in human history that made it possible for the common man to fight on par with any military. Something not possible till that moment. It changed the world, still is, and it’s our guns in our hands as dirt people who is all that stands in the way of tyrants now. Everything comes down to guns. Who has guns who don’t. Who rules by the gun and who is ruled by them. Who is free because they have guns and who is not. And the thing many don’t fully grok, before anything our guns are our property, it is the first thing, and all that signifies.