Free Exercise Thereof

christian mercenary

T.L. Davis

We are in a post-republic America. There is no rule of law, there is only a rule of judges. Legislation is equal to a dictate from the king. That we elect the barons and the lords to rule over us does not lessen tyranny, but it makes us feel better; it gives us faith in the “system” and that is all the government really needs.

Through several supreme court decisions, largely where they have ruled on Obamacare, the message as been sent: Whatever the government chooses to do is within its power. Think of that, what is a king, but someone allowed to do whatever they choose and the fact that they choose to do it makes it within their power.

No, we are not quite a monarchy, because the king is changed by the will of the people. But, we are much closer to a democracy, where whatever the government can persuade the people to support, through bribery, coercion or charisma, becomes law.

A republic is a government set up by law, where the law is greater than anyone who might violate it. There can be no one who violates the law and chooses to change the law rather than to suffer its consequences. There are means of dealing with such people, it is written int the Constitution and prescribes even how a president might be removed.


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