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- Mary Combs on Who Was Censured?
- Big Ruckus D on Choose Your Character
- Crawfisher on Choose Your Character
- tom finley on Choose Your Character
- 173dVietVet on Choose Your Character
This is NOT a movie we are watching. It’s our lives and that of our children, granchildren etc. Where are the Americans who want to keep this Republic??? This is not Biden and anyone who is blaming him is not seeing what before them. He’s hapless and hopeless. It’s who ever it is behind him that doing this. Think the corporation/political partnerships that couldn’t care less about anything but their agends. It’s Obama, Soros, Rice, Pelosi, Schumer, and so many more. This is a “David and Goliath” battle only America USED to be the Goliath. We gave up our position, dignity, integrity, and oh so much more. No Hollywood script writer is writing this ending…..WE ARE!!
You need to add Texas Stealth RINO Senator John Cornyn to the list as well. He is actively working behind closed doors to reduce freedom and liberty. Every bill that he has introduced has reduced freedom under the pretext of protecting us from some boogie man.
Currently, he is actively working behind closed doors with the Brady Campaign, and the Bloomberg anti-gun organizations, to bring about a national “Red Flag Law” to protect us from people with mental issues. He has previously introduced bills to expand the definition of what is defined as metal health issues in order to put in place a stealth “Red Flag Law”. Of course this was to protect people with mental issues. Any time Senator John Cornyn says he wants to protect you -- you need to run…..
He continues to agree with the political / communist Police Chiefs Association, as they both want to stop the expansion of gun rights in the name of safety.
He is no friend of personal property rights.
Also, he continues to introduce bills that would expand the background requirements for NICS checks used to for firearms purchases.
Keep in mind, Texas is currently being invaded on its southern border, and the Stealth RINO Texas Senator John Cornyn is silent. Now the federal government is bringing to Texas thousands of low IQ, low trust Afgans and Senator Cornyn is just busy to get involved. Of course, these muslim Afgans will immediately assimilate into the American culture.
Stealth RINO Texas Senator John Cornyn is betraying the people of Texas, as well as, the people of the other states. He is not trustworthy. To this day, he still states that there was no election fraud during the last election.
Texans need to wakeup and realize Senator Cornyn is a globalist puppet that is betraying Texas and America.
Those in charge (or so they think) are egging us on to make the 1st move. We cannot buy into this as usually when you ‘lash’ out it never goes well because they have a plan and have had one for well over 100 years. It has been slowly moving forward towards us to crush us. Freedom is worth keeping and upholding as our freedoms come from God our Father who sent his son Jesus to take back the keys of hell and death. Those that will repent of their sins asking forgiveness, believing Christ is God our Father will be given that freedom to live forever with Him. The people who are in Christ know where they will go when their bodies are dead. As said many times on this site, no one is coming to save us. I will add to this, except Christ. He will return and all signs show his return is imminent. Get to know His peace. Begin immediately to have that relationship with our Father seeking his guidance for the days ahead as to what he wills for us. Our nation needs a cleansing from the evil that has pervaded our nation from the beginning. God will have his way here and we see it happening. When a nation no longer believes God must come first in our lives rather than man, then the evil creeps in unawares. When God understands by man’s actions that man is in charge, he lifts his protective hand upon our nation giving us what we have asked for. Our freedoms are being taken away and we see this everyday. God allows this to happen because that is what we have asked for. That is why it is imperative we repent honestly for our sin of believing in man and not Jehovah, God our Father. As a nation we must pray for our forgiveness and He will hear and forgive us. Yes, we are larger in number than they are, yes, we have guns, but to lash out thinking our freedom will be won that way, is disaster. Seek God first, pray without ceasing, we will hear from Him as to what our next move will be.
If one believes in ALL MIGHTY, and also believes that ALL MIGHTY has given us the FREE WILL; then one should know that for each choice we make there is consequences. I believe that we the people have to regain the constitutional rights by raising up and doing what it has to get done.
And I am getting sick and tired of people who all they say is all in God’s hands. NO ; God gave you free will, it is up to you to raise up. All the mess we are in now is due to lazy selfish self centered idiots who not only forgot that in a REPUBLIC citizens have to be not only informed but also proactive.
All these issues are due to BAD PARENTING for decades. If parents would have gotten involved with the children’s education and would have activity participate in school of their children and prevented all the garbage that the evil educators injected into the children’s books and education, then we would not have all these young idiots who are asking for socialism!
It is we THE PEOPLE who is at fault. And we the people have to fix it. No one is going to come and save you!
Wrong Zubin, God Already said these things would happen,at the end of this grace age, we are at “The last Generation” times now and Jesus IS coming back soon, are you ready ? This is a Spiritual Warfare going on now, and will be till Jesus comes soon 🙂
I respect your belief. I do not say you are wrong either. But most Christians do not pay attention to FREE WILL. That is not a joke! All mighty have given us that free will for what purpose then?
There is a price for everything in life.