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- Bigus Macus on English Election Interference
- Crawfisher on English Election Interference
- Crawfisher on Pitiful
- 173dVietVet on Pitiful
- Joe Blow on Pitiful
Well said!
However, I also want to applaud and thank Alex Jones for his tireless sacrifice, example of living Freedom, and his world class journalism. For years I did not know about Alex Jones, but when I heard him the first time, I recognized a journalist who spoke the truth. I pray for his safety and that of his loved ones as he continues to be targeted by the Transhuman elites. Thank you for presenting him as an example of Freedom.
(I normally would not take the time or space to support a celebrity, but Jones suffers such derision that he also deserves praise in public from people who benefit from his work. I am happy to do that.)
There are many that believe that Alex Jones is controlled opposition via the CIA. Also, during his nasty divorce several years ago, part of his defense was that InfoWars and his vitriol were, for the most part, “entertainment”. So, although we probably won’t know for sure about the controlled opposition and having a role in the CIA psyops, you might want to recognize that he might not be worthy of such praise. I’m sorry if I rained on your parade. We must always be about truth finding, wherever it leads.
I agree, most of the people that say these types of things about him are jealous of his balls and courage, the attacks are what I expect of the commies now in control of everything.
Can’t say I disagree.
The statement by “Chasiderative”, in my opinion, is about as false as you can get, alluding to your freedom needing to come form others or at least their support. IE: our reliance on others, tor their cooperation for your freedoms.
When you wake up, when you go to sleep, you are “Free” from your very birth by your very humanity, it is a gift from God, it is not earned, assigned, or anything you are “permitted” to have.
You and you alone are responsible for all you successes, and all your failures, the entirety of your life. You are an individual sovereign entity. When you subject yourself, or your freedom, to anothers wishes, depend upon their support, you become their slave, subject to their desires, acknowledgement or approval.
You are free because you are you. Let no one take that from you.
Stay free!
Well said! Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
Actually there’s a difference between Freedom and Liberty. Freedom is an internal construct; we take ownership of our attitude, behavior, actions (kind of like free will). Can’t really take that away.
Liberty is an external construct; to be free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authorities as to our life, behavior, or politics. Life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness is what we value in this country! Therefore, we fight against authorities that would take away our liberties.
I remember when Jones said, “Pizza gate is false”. He looked scared.