Freedom Cannot Coexist With Tryanny

 Hello Patriots. Happy July 4th! We made it to at least one more 4th. Will we make it to another? Of course, who knows.

Nevertheless, my message today is embedded in a scene from Independence Day the movie. My point will be made at or around the 1:43 or 1:44 time slot.

If Obama/UN/WEF took the place of the alien and American Patriots took the place of the President the question/answer dialogue would be eerily similar. 

Many Patriots have envisioned the catastrophe that is presently engulfing not so much our nation but our way of life as dictated by the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. The point of this section of the movie is simple. This is the way Communism/Fascism is defeated! You CANNOT vote Communism out! Because of how late the hour is in our national existence, there is presently facing us all on this July 4th only one question.

Do you believe that freedom loving Americans can coexist with Communism? 

You had better answer that question, now. You had better prepare, now. Because while you go about your daily lives, watch Netflix, play games, spend time with family or stuff yourself with food the time when that question will be answered is already upon us. As an individual with an MA in Political Science and some insight from those studies, I guarantee it will be answered in blood! 

Read the Whole Article Here…

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

They cannot co-exist; I prepare daily for the spiritual and physical war that is coming, I have been called a geriatric and just plain old by some. I do not move or stop from criticism, I am as ready as I can be today, been training since the early 80s and turning my body into a weapon with martial arts, I will use every weapon at my disposal to take down my mortal enemy, we know who they are, and we are coming!!!!!!!

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I have been arming, training and preparing since 2010 to be there with you on the battlefield, brother. At 70 years, in decent shape, distance and accuracy will be my good friends.

Last edited 2 years ago by Arch Stanton
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

Brothers in arms, they don’t know what is in store for them, God bless you and yours.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

I’ve started barbell weight training. Let’s see, where is that 5lb. weight?

2 years ago

Zero chance of co-existence. Millions of us have two lines yet to be crossed by these toilet bugs—any gun confiscation and any total vaccine mandates. Tyranny cannot slip over those lines without lighting up a war. We’ve been patient enough. All true patriots should be willing to risk their lives to rid our country of these vermin—Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC and on down the line. This includes the GOP traitors like Romney as well. Mercy is out of the question. Many will not share American soil with treasonous slime; let them be counted among those whose last resort is violence of action. And remember, killing in war is not murder.

Last edited 2 years ago by Killorbekilled
Ol’guy they tell me
Ol’guy they tell me
2 years ago

You didnt think it was all about Competitions did you?

Skill Sets !

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

There won’t be some grand moment where they jerk the rug and suddenly its on like Donkey Kong … it will be death by 1000 cuts, they will divide us like they did with masks and vaxes, who needs to mandate anything?
To see what is coming in the future look to the past. Short and long term lenses do apply.