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- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Al Buckner on Israel, then Ukraine
- phil1350 on Israel, then Ukraine
How’s that peaceful assembly working out for you? With all do respect, I admire what they’re doing, taking a stand, exhausting some options. Government doesn’t care, they have a agenda and they want you dead. I know who my enemy is, and his end goal for me. When we’re ready to kick this up a notch, I’ll be right there.
Agree. General Alexander Haig was the youngest 4 star General in his time. In 1973 as he observed the peaceful protests of the day, he smugly said,
“Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes.” This is the mindset you need to have a meteoric rise to the top. He became Nixon and Ford’s Chief of Staff and then Reagan’s Secretary of State. He worshipped his paycheck and future pension. The peaceful protesters’ taxes paid for them.
Unless there are different Generals that are willing to arrest the masters of mayhem at the top of the pyramid of evil, these protests will go nowhere at best or end badly at worst.
God bless the Freedom Convoy. Brave Patriots and Truthtellers.
This is GENOCIDE! Instead of gas chambers they’re using a shot. I have read that Bill Gates suggested this method, vaccinstion, would be the best way to depopulate. Instead of walking into trains that deliver us to concentration camps, we’re walking to get our jab. this is my opinion. I do not believe we are being controlled by anything less then an anti-American, ani-west cabal of globalists, communists etc. So far it appears we are on own. I pray God is with us. Again, this is one old-lady American’s opinion.
It is not just your opinion. I am a pharmacist and I know it is a FACT. That is why I resigned after 30 years and spread the news everywhere to warn people. They have planned this since 2001. Look up Dark Winter. Look up the lab reports and slides showing pictures of parasites, graphene oxide, luciferase, and self assembling nanobots present in the jab vials. These studies have been repeated over and over with many different labs. It is a FACT that we KNOW what is in the vials. May God help us all, especially the ones who are jabbed.
Thank you Freedom Convoy.
At this point, and it’s being attempted in numerous places around the world through sometimes very different venues, it’s a game of who can out last who. The tipping point will be the mass of supporters and to which side they swing their support. It is a matter of time which way their loyalties swing, towards the gommers, getting extremely tired of their refusal to negotiate, continuing with the illegal mandates, or the truckers, getting tired of their lives being interrupted by the protest, blockades, confusion etc.
The gommermint has the upper hand, with deep pockets, resources and possibility of making laws, arrests, etc.
The truckers have the tenacity. If they themselves can keep it up. They can, in my opinion, swing the upper hand. Simply by going home and refusing to move, shutting the entirety of Canada down.
The growls of an empty belly bring ones priorities in line right quick.
God bless & protect these brave, men and women who are calling out the NWO with dignity and understanding. The shots solidify the NWO plan (which they have been executing for decades) to rapidly transition human beings into AI controlled synthetic people, not cure a dreaded disease. (READ: Geoengineering Transhumanism by Elana Freeland that has just come available.) The “Truckers Convoy” is representing human beings against the enslavement and destruction of humanity by a power-hungry elite. God bless them. God protect them and their loved ones, give them strength to continue to stand until the end. I have long-haul truckers in my family, and they are the veterans, salt of the earth, backbone of our republic. God Speed!
God bless the truckers, my opinion, is peaceful protest cannot work at this time, we are way past the point of voting or protest. They do not care or want too here anything but your obeyance to their will. There is but one way, we have long ago crossed the Rubicon, no turning back now, fight or die period.
They were peaceful too.
What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
What would things be like if every “officer, every person, every govt represenitives under this regime had all the info, all the contradictions all the chaos of Truth verses lies in their minds? Would they hesitate?
Make them all question the narratives, make them all question their directives, make them all question “the science”, etc…
We deserve what is happening right now, if you know the Bible! Not because we do not rise up and kill every last one of them, but because we became silent in the face of evil and sins within each other for generation upon generation as fore warned. Denying Christ has not gone well.
i say this because i know i have been guilty of this. Now i recognize it around me because i was willingly driven through a ‘True’ repentance.
The world denies Christ daily, with their c lie mate lies.
Their ‘Artificial’ life, to WHAT? Correct Yah’s mistakes? Fix His flaws and failures?
We are told how this is going to go, and we still have the audacity to think we can stop it?
we push through it, if any one is shocked in the end it will be the evil and lost ones!
Canadian Government Sends Police And Military After Truckers And Protesters In Attempt To End Freedom Convoy – Watch LIVE
Ottawa police chief threatens to ARREST citizens who give food and water to convoy truckers… the POLICE have become the terrorists –
It is time, to stand and fight, to protect our freedoms, our liberties. Time for American’s and Canadians to come together as one force to rid these countries of the tyrants in office.
Excellent video, may God Bless them all.