Any questions? Americans chose dishonor in their elected officials. Most still refuse to admit there is no political solution. So we are at the footsteps of World War III with children running the government. Countries are worth fighting for; governments are not.
There is no IF but only WHEN we have to make the decision to fight. Do you now understand why Patrick Henry would choose death if Liberty was no longer an option?
David DeGerolamo
“Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you.” -- Benjamin Franklin
It doesn’t get explained any better than was said by Winston Churchill who new all the odds were against him and his fellow countrymen and women ! Hitler came very close to destroying the U.K. and was blessed that we intervened
( As His Sheep Dogs ) to run the wolves off !
Then speed forward to present day times when Obama “Removed” the bust of “Winston Churchill” from the Whitehouse Oval Office when he first moved into “Our” house ! It was a gift to the “American” people, not Obama’s to discard !