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- Michael on Pam Bondi: Bring Charges
- Alan R on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
- phil1350 on Who Was Censured?
- phil1350 on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
- MrLiberty on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
Zombie Farmer talks the talk and walks the walk, Met him in Richmond Jan 20th 2020, He and observed the Snipers set up on roof tops that were sent to snuff out Patriots. Since that day anytime I’ve tried to purchase a firearm I’ve been kicked into the delay period. Zombie gets it, Y’all should watch Southern Prepper 1 last video, it explains where I’m at and if your real , it should be where you are at.
Southern prep1 definitely has the right mindset.
How long can this go on without any repercussions
It will go on forever providing we just allow it to continue. Since we do nothing but make youtube videos and complain about it, why would they stop?
“The amount of tyranny you get, is the exact amount you put up with.”
― Thomas Jefferson
100% NC Rob.
We don’t start hunting and exterminating they are going to take us out. Been saying this for as long as I can remember and look where we are now.
Fredrick Douglas said it best!
Where’s the go team at? Sick of vids and reading anyway!
This young man is ready
ambient cricket chorus perfect
For those who fight for it, life has a certain flavor the sheltered will never know.
Just will drop this here for thoughts… I HOPE HE’S THE REAL DEAL!!
Went to my local VFW today for a community affair. Meet the woman President (a woman) and this video has my attention. I’m going to use it as I call her and set up an appointment to visit her. I’m a grandma, started homeschooling my 2nd grade granddaughter, and knowing we all need to do something, this is my mission today. The “discussion” is warranted asap!
Wannabe Nazis now are Mteacking Wane County kiddies in school for MASK COMPLIANCE! Heil Hitler!
By Nia Harden, WRAL reporter
HOLLY SPRINGS, N.C. — Beginning Monday, Wake County Schools is taking a new step to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the classroom by asking schools with clusters to monitor and report mask compliance.
The district said experts said tracking compliance is one change that can help reduce the number of positive cases in a school.
WRAL News reached out to the district to find out how it will work, and as of Friday they said they still working through the details
Its easy as heck to submit a withdraw form to DOE. 1.5M kids pull out of public schools. Homeschooling resources and curriculums have exploded and online tutors are available. Coops and parents pulling together to help each other out for those who have to work. Sacrifice is in our future!!