Here is the definition of rabbi:
a Jewish scholar or teacher, especially one who studies or teaches Jewish law.
Here is a comment from Rabbi Will from this site:
I can remember when nc Renegade demanded lockdowns. And remember the 3d mask printing guys. Oops ! That didn’t age well! Remember what the bad old Jewish Rabbi said? I don’t know biology but I know the political scum who want to lock you down! You’re welcome!
Obviously Rabbi Will does not know biology and has a selective memory. I am curious about the motivations of a teacher of Jewish law.
The rabbi will is more than welcome to cite when I or this site demanded lockdowns. Here are the links for “COVID lockdowns” on this site. Here is my article on vaccinations in the early stages of COVID-19. Keep in mind that when that article was written, mRNA therapies were a consideration that were not available until later. They were not considered to be a vaccine until the definition was changed later.
For the record, I did not take any mRNA “vaccines”. No one knew initially how evil our nation’s healthcare had become. Who would have thought that illegal gain of function research would be funded in Wuhan by Fauci? Who would have thought that the mRNA therapy was patented before the release of the pandemic? Who would have thought that the “cure” would kill millions? Who would have thought that our doctors would receive bonuses for giving the clot shot?
Concerning masks, I suggest people read my article concerning masks (note the dates of the article). As for a 3D printed mask, it was information on an alternative for masks using HEPA filters when biological masks were limited to healthcare professionals and N95/N100 masks were not available for purchase.
I do not know why the “rabbi” has compared me to political scum. I will let the readers make their own judgments.
David DeGerolamo
Again. Youre welcome.
I did not take the kill shot either, I think we all need to calm down a bit. I appreciate your hard work and devotion to the truth DRenegade, political scum never entered my mind in relation to you, I think of you as a man of God, we all fall short of perfection.
I agree that no one is perfect. In the case of these accusations from the rabbi, I am not “guilty” or supporting lockdowns, the clot shots or ineffective masks as my links proved.
No, you are not guilty of any of those accusations, just my humble opinion.
I wouldn’t concern myself with the opinions and thoughts from a teacher of the Synagogue of Satan.
Be careful who you call satan ! We are a Messianic synagogue. Teaching salvation through the death burial and resurrection of God’s son the Messiah!
“God’s son the Messiah”? Whom you all are still waiting on since Jesus Christ was an imposter and which he was crucified for. The Jews and Muslims are still waiting on their messiah. I personally wonder if the antichrist will fit that bill? No accusations on that last part, just an honest conclusion I’ve pondered.
The anti. Will fill the bill perfectly. And almost every one will go with him even to the point of killing those who don’t. Now stranger watch these guys go insane in this comment section.
State your true name….what does “ be careful” mean. How sad to see a man of the cloth write this. Stirring up hatred is uncalled for.
So why did you bear false witness against David?
Grabbing a Jesus cloak isn’t a good defense for slander.
A tree is known by its fruit. What fruit do you bring to NC RENEGADE?
You weren’t there so you can’t give any valid witness. Everyone is free to judge the fruit as he sees fit.
I was there friend. I know what was written during the COVID era of NC Renegade.
I posted a few times basic medical advice about washing the #1 carrier of bugs, your hands and how to do basic isolation if COVID was in your house.
A tree is known by its fruit.
Then judge Michael. But make sure you REALLY know. I dont recall you being part of our conversations at the time.
Re the Rabbi -- be careful. Why doesn’t he state his name?
I think it’s important to bring up the “tying a knot” of the National Defense Authorization Act to the Antisemitism Awareness Act that was passed (stand alone bill) in the majority Republican House. The last defense bill was voted on December 13, 2024. When will this years defense budget be voted in the Senate?
Suggested by Paul Craig Roberts in a recent article is that the Antisemitism Awareness Act hanging on the coattails of with the National Defense Authorization bill 2024 will create the first of many censorship bills. Why is the rabbi not stating his name? A man of t(e cloth stands by his name.
stand by your real name!
By the way. I’m fully opposed to the antisemitism awareness act. My God is with me so I don’t need any government protection or special favors. Thanks for pointing that out.
Then state your true name. Stand by your name.
My name is William [ will ] I do serve as Rabbi . Hence. Rabbi Will as I’m known in the community .you want my phone number too?
Will “blank!” Got it! You refuse to stand by your name. Conversation ends now because you refuse to back up your statements with your real name, which shows fear, and weakness of character.
Oh I see . Well you have no authority to ask anything of me nor will it be given to you. You fail.
You can thank the maggot Ashkenazi Jew Schumer in the senate for pushing this antisemitic bill thru, if he gets his way. Any Snator or congressman who votes for such a bill as this are anti Christs in my book and they will have marked themselves with 666. As far as I am concerned, they can all go to hell, the Jews killed Christ and used the Romans to do their political dirty work, just as they are doing the same today, that’s the bottom line. No ungodly law this house passes will ever make me stop stating the self-evident truth of the Bible and the secular record confirming it, again, the Jews Killed Christ with Satan urging on the crowds that day to select Barabes the murderer.
The left doesn’t need to kill us; we will destroy each other soon enough. We need to be on the same team despite our differences. Name calling is for people who can not defend their position.
Maybe true Dweezil about destroying each other.
That’s most of the point of the powers that be sowing distrust between Americans. In “Lets you and Him fight” stuff.
The “gun behind every blade of grass” stuff turned against us. Hatfields and McCoys stuff.
But I’d rather have a few I trusted than accept many not so trustworthy into my team. Betrayal is very historic with Commies.
Luke 6
A Tree and its Fruit
…44For each tree is known by its own fruit. Indeed, figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor grapes from brambles. 45The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. 46Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I say?…
Listen often, nod a bit and learn what people really think. They hate silence and will fill it for you when you give them a few agreeable sounds and nods.
Thanks, Michael. I take this to heart. Bleib ubrig.
“No one knew initially how evil our nation’s healthcare had become. Who would have thought that illegal gain of function research would be funded in Wuhan by Fauci? Who would have thought that the mRNA therapy was patented before the release of the pandemic? Who would have thought that the “cure” would kill millions? Who would have thought that our doctors would receive bonuses for giving the clot shot ” I did.
Me too man! And I tried to wrn everyone that was my whole point!I’ve been waiting for somebody else to say it so you are the man!
Your point was lost when you slander folks here.
Perhaps you could tell us again how neo nazi this site is.
I could cut and paste your own words in case you forget yesterday.
What do you mean slander!? I thought many of these folks would take nazi as a compliment.. we can do that cup man . I told you up front. You seem like an interesting guy.
In all your education did you never run across this old proverb?
When you find yourself in a hole, STOP DIGGING.
Saying folks here at NC Renegade would take SNIP
What do you mean slander!? I thought many of these folks would take nazi as a compliment.. we can do that cup man .
I’d sit out the rest of the week quietly if I decided to call folks here Nazis.
But you DO You and ponder why Jews are historically driven out of countries time and time again.
Sso do you not think that fits you really didnt see the blood libelous comments some of these made? Like referring to jews as pigs. I don’t have to ponder i know the answer. If you call me I’ll tell you
Gee somebody asked for your number, and you refused. Give it so “well known in your community”.
Go back a few comments just past your “You failed” comment and give it to her. She might call you as you like that idea.
Now ask yourself why I should care about blood libelous comments when you call me a “Good American Military Pawn” and a Neo nazi for pointing out history facts to you?
Old proverb about kettle meets pot springs to mind. But I note you’ve not stopped digging.
I do talk to liberals often enough in the local coffee shops. I don’t wear a “I don’t call 911” shirt and such, be polite and nod occasionally.
Why? It’s good to be known as harmless and listen to potential troublemakers.
It is funny when a few of my fellow cowboy action shooter friends show up and ask me later about “Do you know who you were talking too” style comments.
Was interesting to know the son of a local Judge was a solid AntiFa member.
If you’ve been on this site as long as you claim you should know my number my full name and the physical address of the synagogue where I serve .they’ve been posted here many times. And that meet up is sounding better all the time. Im a handgun shooting instructor myself ! I think we found a language we can both speak!
I have to keep digging. I’m not here for me.
So, what or Who are you here for?
And are you in prayer asking Him who you serve if it fits HIS will?
You’ll have to call me for that.
If there’s a post about my number i don’t see it. I posted a sarc comment in response to jane demanding my last name. Offering my number.
Pray tell as I’m curious.
If your wanting folks to have your phone number, why do you worry about giving out your last name?
A paradox or a subtle trap?
I’ll give it to you tomorrow
Don’t bother not interested. But maybe Jane or Follower might like it.
My F2F contacts are folks I’ve lived with for decades. A small group but proven trustworthy.
I agree with F2F contacts at this point. At this time, my trusted group is very small.
A rope of three strands friend.
And one of them better be faith in God.
You do all the work here, it costs you TIME and MONEY, take the flack and I don’t understand why.
I was frankly amazed after YOU got that massive Red Down arrow assault and posted that cowards were attacking YOU also that it remains their “power tool”.
Maybe I should have stayed gone when I saw myself out some time ago.
How many thousands of comments are there in this site in just the past 4 years?
Remember the one you gave out your address and phone number?
Goodness only a few 8 hour days cruising through for only Rabbi Will comments.
So, in short, you must be kidding me.
It was for these reasons that Trump pushed Fauchi and Birx into the spotlight. If he had told us there was corruption in CDC or NIH the media would have run cover for them. He’s been pretty good letting certain people show us who they really are. The Big Show however, is just beginning. Tribe up and buckle up.
Hey Mel, say it with me. ‘ Every. Single. Time.’
No one believes this man. Just more democrat bs. All this rabbi proves is that there are still some delusional disobedient Jews wandering in the desert.
Democrat?? Now that’s just crazy.
Or maybe you are just trolling a bunch of people you disagree with, Rabbi. For myself, I do not recall seeing any Nazi type comments on this site. I believe most here are against socialism of any stripe.
Nobody knew.
Nobody knew because they didn’t look. They just turned on the boobus-tube, or listened to someone who turned on the boobus-tube. Maybe listened to someone who is their Patriot buddy Nurse. Whatever.
And the incessant 24/7 Black Majick Covid Spells took them over, which feared them into the Black Majick Covid Protocols, which feared them into injected themselves with lab created artificial synthetic mRNA Majick Covid Elixir.
But… but… I know I had the Covid! I’ve never been this sick before! And I had the never before seen Covid can’t smell or taste anything! And the Covid pink eye too! And… and… my friend had the Covid White Lung, just like the Influenza White Lung! And… and… but… but…!
BTW, they told you what the Lab Created Artificial Synthetic mRNA was/is back on April 1, 2020. But you didn’t look. The FDA and the Eurosurveillance TOLD YOU that they concocted the PCR with “Contrived Samples” and “Contrive Specimens” because… THEY DIDN’T HAVE ACTUAL SPECIMENS!
Every is coming down with the most contagious, dangerous, deadly virus eva… and they didn’t have… specimens! LMAO!
That Antigen Test? LMAO. Hey! If you have a bacterial infection… you too could have the… Covid! Or, just a bacterial infection. Hahahaha!
Stop making excuses. The government skeered you. Y’all got scared. Feared into the Black Majick Covid Protocols. OMG! OMG!
And 281,177,229 scared Americans injected themselves with the lab created artificial synthetic mRNA and don’t have a clue what the “message” is in the messenger. What man made code it was encoded with. But y’all went ahead and GMO’ed yourselves.
I know for a fact that some of the commenters inject themselves. At the least, one of you. Because you got scared.
It never occurred to you that the whole shit-show was a… shit-show of gish-gallop, roving-science, experts crawling all over themselves, as they most certainly did on a daily basis.
Anyhow. Can someone show me this Covid? I can’t seem to find it after 5 years. I don’t know anyone who has.
Meh. I was just bad flu season bro. Exacerbated by the Black Majick Covid Protocols. And the normal flu season returned… IT’S A MIRACLE! THE MAJICK COVID ELIXIRS WORK! Hahahaha!
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ~ Carl Sagan
I imagine they will need to build another base on Cuba to house the number of people guilty of high crimes for perpetrating and participating in Operation COVID 19. Unless…Biden blanket pardons everyone.
We need to see all of them arrested, tried, and convicted for their part in these crimes against humanity. I don’t believe the public and private leaders were ignorant. It was too coordinated. Too scripted. From my vantage point my gut told me it was all hype and BS. We need justice to prevent it from happening again.
Is he a real Rabbi or just a pen name? I question such responses as a “holy man of God.” (Though it’s hard to read one’s character based on the printed word vs. in person.)