From Matt Bracken

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3 months ago

See this report:
It has photos of the ladder, which appears to be 8-10 foot long, as seen against the short building he first climbed up to get access to the closer roofed building..
Also shows his weapon and thought that he flung it or pushed it away so he could egress from the roof and make his getaway.

3 months ago

Bracken is right. Crooks had lots of help. He kid was a patsy; just like Ray, just like Oswald.

From Man in America: video of on the scene witnesses that say that they heard a shot, or shots, coming from the water tower (link below). The real sniper needed the sounds of the shots taken by crooks in order to help cover the sounds of his own shots taken at the same time.

The smell of CIA and FBI feces is, and will continue to be, smeared all over this one.

Mr. Trump, please get your own security team. Please.

Go here:

3 months ago

People our job is to continue to find the evidence to fire and prosecute those involved(All OF THEM) AND to not allow a warren commission to happen. I’ve already called some representatives and told them INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TELEVISED so the AMERICAN PEOPLE can see it, otherwise no one will believe the conclusions.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
3 months ago

Biden and company almost got what they wanted; Donald Trump dead.
No doubt in my mind.
Why do we continue to tolerate this criminally corrupt tyrannical U.S. federal government?