From Parler – EWillHelpYou

E.1 minute ago·@EWillHelpYou

My team thinks there is a distinct possibility of a communications blackout of some kind coming.
I am not entirely convinced, but I prefer to err’ on the side of caution. Plan accordingly, and remain calm if it should come to pass. Whatever happens, happens; so maintain course and stay calm either way. We have certainly faced worse than some silence. 🙂

***Parler is likely to be shutdown within 24 hours, so along with the millions of others out there; I suggest joining Gab. You will find me there with the same name and profile picture as here, as well as many many other friends.
Gab is not in play stores, and uses its own servers. Therefore it is, at least in theory, less prone to bow to corporate censorship.
It may be slow as their servers adjust to the weight of millions and millions of new users.
You will find instructions on how to install the app from a browser, further down on my posts. Otherwise Gab (dot) com will take you there.
Thank you,


Follow his account. The Dark to the Light.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

Having your own domain/website in no ways guarantees internet access works. Blocking a site in the DNC servers is childs play since America controls them. Big Tech can keep ANYONE they want censored OFFLINE anytime they choose. It’s NOT THAT DIFFICULT when almost ALL the
tech/internet companies are complicit.

4 years ago

There is no doubt in my mind, that whatever efforts are being taken by good men, was enabled and furthered by the hundreds of thousands of dedicated Patriots who assembled there last week.
To show our President still has as loyal and dedicated of a base may have been the deciding factor in what is taking place.
Kudo’s to all of you who participated, and huge prop’s to our President for not folding like a cheap lawn chair!

4 years ago

David or anyone…does this person have reliable bona fides?

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
4 years ago