From the Comment Section

The question is who or what organization is the mother ship and how do we take it out? The strategy is sound but without intel and the tactics to make it work it is all bullshit! How are you gonna do it?

Where to start? I have written previously concerning answers to our current situation but memories are short and people have issues with information overload.

First sentence:

It is easy to identify evil by looking at their agenda and methods. The federal government is the mother ship. It is so compromised by itself that everyone is blackmailing everyone else so they are all safe (and complicit as with Epstein and Weinstein). Pharmaceutical companies and the medical profession have exposed themselves based on the COVID-19 plandemic. Big business exposed themselves by cancelling our culture and pushing sexual agendas “targeting” our children. Social media exposed themselves by colluding with the federal government to censor free speech and promote disinformation. The two-tiered justice system exposed itself with the fedsurrection and J6 political prisoners.

If you want one individual to become the mothership, go ahead. We still have to bring down the infrastructure supporting him.

Second sentence:

Let me preface this section with a general order from George Washington:

General Orders

August 3, 1776

The General is sorry to be informed that the foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing, a vice hitherto little known in our American Army is growing into fashion. He hopes that the officers will, by example as well as influence, endeavor to check it and that both they and the men will reflect that we can little hope of the blessing of Heaven on our army if we insult it by our impiety and folly. Added to this it is a vice so mean and low without any temptation that every man of sense and character detests and despises it.

George Washington

Our society has been marginalized by a failure of civility. The punishment for profane language by an officer under Washington’s command was lashing. Anyone who uses profanity as part of an argument automatically demeans their point. Whether it is due to emotion or lack of critical thinking to make a cogent argument, it reduces the validity of your position or statement. I believe this devolution of our culture to profanity is planned by evil to evoke emotional responses and diminish our honor. Men of God do not use profanity. This is the reason that comments that include profanity are removed on this site.

The first error in the statement is the concept of intel and tactics. A quick refresher:

Build a network of trusted and validated individuals to provide information to your intelligence group. The intelligence group takes the information and generates intelligence with is then evaluated for actionable plans given to direct your tactical groups. Talking on a website has nothing to do with reality for defeating evil. S2 lately? ATAK infrastructure? Operational security? Frustration and trolling are not effective strategies.

    Third sentence:

    Break the foundation of the mothership.

    Point 1:

    Use cash. When you are discussing payment for services, ask first for the price. Then after the price is given, ask for the cash discount. Then ask for the cash discount without a receipt. The underground economy where people are not declaring income for federal and state taxes has effectively destroyed the foundation of California’s mothership.


      Revenues in 2023 are projected to total $4.8 trillion, or 18.4 percent of GDP. That amount is $83 billion smaller than the $4.9 trillion, or 19.6 percent of GDP, recorded for 2022. The decrease in revenues primarily stems from lower income tax receipts, while receipts from other sources are expected to increase slightly.

      And consider the true national debt in 2021:

      Truth in Accounting: U.S. national debt closer to $123 trillion, nearly $796,000 per household

      While it is true that the government continues to print money based on its failing status as the world’s reserve currency, inflation has eroded our buying power, increased crime and increased our awareness. Which is why the plan to use digital currency is essential to the mothership’s foundation.

      Point 2:

      Preparedness. The definition of valid preps is a function of your sapience. Food, shelter, water and fire are all essential (preferably without debt). What about your ability to barter? Do you have a service or commodity that will be needed after the collapse? The point is to reduce the need for anything from the mothership in order to survive. The less you need, the more you weaken its foundation.

      Point 3:

      Operational security means building a trusted network of individuals. This takes time and confidence building. It also means low tech and face to face contacts. Protocols and training are essential. The government is much more advanced on infiltration than those who sit and whinge.

      Point 4:

      Patience. We have all heard that the collapse will happen tomorrow. For over a decade. For the people in Ukraine, that was true and the price that they paid to the Deep State is unfathomable. One thing is certain: tomorrow will come and the blood will flow.

      Point 5:

      Did you ever wonder how He will exact His vengeance? I wonder how He views this immoral, profane nation. I wonder if we are a remnant or will we be collateral damage for allowing evil to flourish. To me, it does not matter: we must fight evil with a firm reliance on Divine Providence.

      Be the gray man. Be the holy man grounded in God. Be aware, build trust, train and always consider the future of your children.

      David DeGerolamo

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      9 months ago

      Could you please tell me, us, what post this comment is from. Trying to get up to speed better. Thank you.

      9 months ago
      Reply to  DRenegade

      Thank You for the link.

      Silver Dolphins
      Silver Dolphins
      9 months ago

      Thanks David for the explanation. While I have been trying to use cash whenever possible I had not thought about the affect of that on the income tax system, I was mainly not wanting my purchases to be tracked. By giving a point by point explanation, it helps me to understand where I need to focus. Prepping has always been a priority. I have been growing my neighbor contacts and have made many inroads with them by sharing vegetables from my garden. I have tools and skills that I pray will be useful in the future and even now. Working hard to get all of my grand children out of public school. Trusting the Lord for guidance. Thank you for your diligence.

      9 months ago

      It is deeper than the US federal gov’t. No way could the feckless usgov get the world to fall in line with the chink flu. musk is NOT the richest man in the world. A first generation rich guy could not achieve that. The centuries old $$ are behind the curtain.

      9 months ago

      Ultimately, it is God who is control. And He is directing history toward the conclusion that He desires. And this we know, according to the holy scriptures.

      9 months ago

      “Be the gray man. Be the holy man grounded in God. Be aware, build trust, train and always consider the future of your children.”
      Excellent advice.

      9 months ago
      Reply to  strider777

      Speaking of all us all becoming a “holy man grounded in God,” here is a timely article:

      Molly P
      Molly P
      9 months ago

      Thank you very much for your excellent and sobering rebuke for the use of profanity “in the ranks’ by those of us who follow Jesus. I am a retired nurse, and have had to intensely navigate the medical system in the past few months for personal medical issues. I avoid cussing in public when pushed to the wall repeatedly by staff, MDs (who now treat with one foot in the door and one in the hall), and insane wait times we now enjoy thanks to the Pandemic, etc. But when I get to the privacy of my car I sometimes verbally lose it!
      I always take it to God but in these unrivaled days of national trial I was just this morning confessing and asking the Lord to help me deal with this repeated sin. Your perfect citation of the great Washington is a true blessing! Getting a couple of printed copies to hang in appropriate spots to reinforce your superb comments. (Much gratitude for all your contributions on Renegades).

      a follower, working on it.
      a follower, working on it.
      9 months ago

      Sound advice.
      Death by a thousand cuts works both ways. People are so caught up in finding the one silver bullet (quick fix), they do not see the many ways to fight evil.

      Thomas Hanna
      Thomas Hanna
      9 months ago

      Excellent. Without discipline we are nothing.

      Steve Bevis
      9 months ago

      I would think a cuss word would be the least of your problems this stage of the game. Should you not judge a man by his actions rather than his words? The world is full of pious people I would not be willing to trust my life to. But hey it’s your show. Oldbev