Here is a comment/reply from the site:
My occult babble largely comes from the sermon on the moun[t] , and the new testament, also knowing we are first (supposedly) a nation of laws not vigilante justice.
Eye for an eye no longer applies, if you follow correctly! No matter how many throw that little excerpt into song you have been led astray!
Ask David of this blog if he agrees with vigilante justice.
i am not opposed to violence as many of you falsely discern.
Since I was mentioned, I will reply here:
We cannot restore justice by taking it into our own hands (vigilante justice). There are times when the “law” is so corrupt, there are no other options such as the Battle of Athens, TN. Conversely, the Wilmington, NC insurrection overthrew a valid government with the illegal replacement of the city’s politicians by Democrats. Nothing was ever done. Looking at WNC today, I see an insurrection brewing if Harris is selected. The government’s contempt for its people is on full display in our area.
The bottom line: if the government is too corrupt or has collapsed, the only law in a world without the rule of law cannot be considered vigilante justice. Which is why I always say that we need to have moral men in order to have a morale country. I am only repeating what our founding fathers said:
See this article that I wrote twelve years ago for more on this issue.
The reason we do not have a morale country is due to the majority of our clergy serving Satan and their own pockets instead of God. We absolutely must be considering how the Lord would want our government to be constructed as it pertains to a moral code of laws. Starting over with the original Constitution and the Bill of Rights is a moral foundation. I would have said that the 13th amendment is not needed since we have no slaves in this country. However, we know that we have an active slave market that is supported by the uniparty. And this slave market is mainly women and children whose life spans are very short. A moral country would never tolerate what is being done to children in this country.
Where does that leave us? We need to call out to the Lord for mercy, forgiveness and restoration of a moral and righteous nation. He answered our prayers before but we were a moral country with a clergy who served Him. We know what to do; it is only a matter of following His path.
David DeGerolamo
Yes!It’s not too late.
Text of the Declaration of Independence | Declaration Resources Project I do not believe we are talking about vigilante justice here, when the government becomes tyrannical and abusive and ignores the will of the people, it is our duty to throw out the tyrants and install a new Constitutional Republic by any and all means necessary.
Your reply was removed. Wonder why? Why would NCRenegade do this? Censoring the people that support NCRenegade is just plain wrong, if that’s what has happened here.
Let me know when YOU have your own blog.
Free Speech isn’t free.
NCRenegade/ David DeGerolamo owes us an answer.
Owes You MAYBE as you don’t speak for all of us.
Why are you on this site? You seem to skirt the troll and work hard at being aggressive with David and others.
You are an absolute idiot. I have a legitimate question.
What comment was removed?
Tom Finley had a link that disappeared. When I attempted to comment on it, my comment wasn’t allowed because the link was “not approved”, then the link disappeared when I checked later. The link was to an InfoWars article concerning the election already being stolen at it was connected to Obama. I have the article in my internet history.
I remember now, Lee Vail I was trying to get what comment you were talking about I think this was it.
I believe this was the link that was removed,
Exclusive: Has Obama Already Stolen The Election For Kamala Harris as Patrick Byrne Claims? Alex Jones Responds
That is it.
David, I thought you had rules against harassment of commenters, Michael is clearly harassing Lee Vail.
Nah, he was just an a$$hole.
Mirror check sir.
David’s comments about your demand is enlightening.
Kudos for addressing me as “sir”.
It seems we can also form a Confederation of states.
That was tried once, remember how that turned out? That was the beginning of the end, which has reached us almost 165 years later.
When facing the destruction of everything that made us precious and unique and we are too oppressed to fix it, all that’s left is the law of the jungle. Call it vigilante justice or insurrection but when the rule if law is gone and our freedom and liberty faces extinction we must stand up and fight.
I’m sorry but there is no sugar coating it. Are we facing a second 1776? I don’t know, but the corruption has to be purged. All we can do today is remember who we are, pray we survive, prepare for the worst, and vote for Trump. After that remains a question.
Thank God we got Trump for another four years!
Let’s get behind him and get America back on track.
Call it what you want. When the president of the US says inject this or no job, no food, no life, me, I call it war against tyranny.
David … I disagree with your statement “We cannot restore justice by taking it into our own hands (vigilante justice)” …
Please consider the following from Kent McManigal on the Hooligan Libertarian website:
“Those who imagine government is magical or legitimate dislike what they call “Taking the law into your own hands”. What a strange fetish they have.Where else do they imagine the law belongs? In government’s hands? Ha!
“Government doesn’t even know what law is. It pretends its legislation is the same thing as law. Sometimes they overlap, but that overlap is getting smaller with each new piece of legislation.
“The law-- real Law— belongs in your hands. It is your responsibility to live according to it; not your responsibility to impose it on others. You are responsible for protecting yourself and others from those who refuse to abide by it. Revenge is not part of the equation.
“Trying to pawn this solemn responsibility off on government has never worked. It never will.
“Don’t let the bad guys shame you for being responsible for yourself and doing what they are incapable or unwilling to do.”
Reflect back to my PATCON lecture on the topic of COMMON LAW:
“Those who can see the injustice committed by “government”, but who continue to believe that they must “obey the legislation” and “work within the legal system” will never achieve justice.”
A culture of liberty will only be restored
when each of us, individually, lives our lives
as if Rightful Liberty had never disappeared.
Respectfully David we might define vigilante justice differently.
It’s not Jim Crow lynching. That’s mob violence.
Snip from Cornell Law: vigilante justice
Vigilante justice refers to actions taken by individuals or groups who try to enforce the law without legal authority. Those who perform vigilante justice, taking the law into their own hands, are known as vigilantes and are often driven by a desire for retribution against perceived injustices.
Vigilante justice can also describe a situation where multiple groups claim to enforce the law, leading to disorder.
When the government fails to maintain law and good order (Lawfare, Portland OR Antifa supporting) OR as in the Declaration of Independence OVERTLY Uses the “Legal Authority” of Leadership or Kingship or such then moral men must defend their God given rights.
BUT with Rights come Responsibilities.
One must work NOT to become the very Monsters we fight.
It’s like cleaning a dirty house. You get the biggest messes out of the way first and then work out the fine stuff.
Some people don’t need trials. Pelosi comes to mind. Insider trading for years. Schiff obviously lying for years.
Who, primarily, is responsible for the ongoing decline and looming death of America? I would say her political leaders, education leaders and religious leaders. All three have failed miserably in their sacred and fiduciary duties to nurture, protect and defend America’s republican form of government and her Christian faith.
Our republican form of government and the Christian faith were the two crucial elements that were primarily responsible for creating the greatest nation in the history of the entire world; the greatest amount of individual freedom in history, the greatest individual standard of living in history, and the greatest spiritual blessings humanity had ever experienced in history.
And at the very pinnacle of America’s success, her political, education and religious leaders utterly failed her. They failed the people; they failed the one and only true God; who is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. There is no political answer for a spiritual problem. The only way to make America truly great again is for a majority of the American people, and her leaders, to; humble ourselves, confess our sins, repent of our sins, and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us and send the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and to heal our land. America needs to have the greatest spiritual revival the world has ever seen. I pray that will happen soon.
You can call things whatever you like….vigilante justice, anarchy or whatever. But the undeniable truth about humans and society is that Violence Is Golden. It is the ultimate and final arbiter of who wins and who loses on EVERY significant issue a society faces. A functional society usually finds a way to come to a solution before violence is necessary. But it’s ALWAYS there, lurking in the background ready to come forward if needed.
Context: This is the comment that spurred the conversation.
You previously issued a warning about certain types of comments, I get it.
So, I’ll refrain from calling for the killing of crooked officials until after the Presidential election is stolen by the Democrats for Harris.
After that, all bets are off.
So are we talking about murder? Are we talking about the possibility of a trial, a court appearance , citizens arrest or other and then a fair hearing?
Are we calling for a war, an actual revolution?
Are these not valued considerations?
Imagine that, my comment spurred the conversation. I don’t think so, the conversation was spurred long before my comment. Yeah, we’ll have a trial, all we need is to air all the media evidence they have put out the past 3-1/2 years
Your comment spurred my response, Which is the comment heading this thread.
‘Now’ we trust the media and all the gossipers on line, on both sides? Enough to just start picking and choosing who to execute?
And i do see your point this discussion is long overdue. Even in a war footing there is to be a moral ground. And yes many will loose their minds over this simple necessity. i also think David ( yes once again) has an understanding of this.
“Where does that leave us? We need to call out to the Lord for mercy, forgiveness and restoration of a moral and righteous nation. He answered our prayers before but we were a moral country with a clergy who served Him. We know what to do; it is only a matter of following His path.”
Full agreement.
Here is where i am at yesterday, do people honestly get it? Rev.9:20 and no this is not the only scriptural or reference point He can direct us to on this matter.
Now hear me out, but not for myself! Much of mankind thinks they have ‘Truly’ repented, it has become increasingly clear they have not, they think they have yet His Word tells a story quite opposite.
Study and pray upon this verse
Rev. 9:20 And the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship the demons, and idols of gold, and of silver and brass, and of stone and of wood, which are neither able to see, nor to hear, nor to walk.
The three plague’s he speaks of, do you see what they are? In the previous two verses we are shown and told what they are. Fire smoke and Sulphur that come out of their mouths!
What is coming out of much of mankind’s mouths including our own?
How many of us are counting on Gold, silver, Brass to save us? They may well be tools to use along the way, yet He had better be First on any to do list.
[…] deleted a comment on this site and this comment asked […]
i have a question, How many went to the link that David provided?
Any thoughts on mercy? Hint: Power without mercy can be a real problem.