From the Comments

A comment from Nailed It:

What happens when the fedgov decides such actions are treasonous and stops sending SS checks, medicare, medicaid etc?

Imagine repercussions for speaking the truth. Actually, I have been having several discussions concerning preparations for the future this week. As I have stated (too often), I do not like scenarios. If you prepare for one in particular, you may be in serious trouble if a different scenario develops for which you did not prepare.

I am preparing for the following scenario because it will cover every contingency (except death):

The government collapses. This would include a military defeat at the hands of an external enemy.

This would mean:

  1. No taxation.
  2. No rule of law.
  3. The US dollar would become worthless.
  4. No government subsidies (welfare, social security or government pensions)
  5. All economy becomes local: food, gasoline/diesel/, electricity and security (along with other considerations) would only be available within your local area’s production capabilities.

The list can be added to but you have to prepare for having to completely supply your own food, water, shelter and security. Fiat currencies and crypto will no longer be fungible. The only fungible sources of payment will be physical labor and barterable goods. Do you have enough food to feed your family for a year? Can you protect your family’s security 24/7? Would you trade your freedom for subsistence living?

This nation found out during COVID-19 that you don’t have to work to survive. And if you do work, your employer has to overlook a poor work ethic because he is at the mercy of a lower standardized work force. The good news is that preparing for the government’s collapse means that your only external consideration will be people who will take what you have or people who say they are the new “government”.

What is the primary foundation for this scenario’s success? No debt. This puts most of our problems into perspective: the government and media have enslaved people through debt: mortgage, car loans, educational loans, taxes, regulatory fees and asset forfeiture. This was always the plan: you will own nothing and be happy. I prefer to owe nothing and be happy that the Lord has provided our daily bread.

If you are considering making this scenario the focus of your preparations, keep in mind that banks will be closed. Even if the US dollar maintained some fraction of its value, your deposits will be confiscated by the bank as the “law” now requires.

Staples will be more valuable than currency or crypto:

  1. Ammunition
  2. Firearms
  3. Food
  4. Clothing
  5. Building supplies
  6. Water
  7. Cigarettes
  8. Alcohol
  9. Medical supplies
  10. Tools

Another overlooked necessity is life skills. Books and basic life skills will be an essential requirement for survival AND rebuilding.

David DeGerolamo

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Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
1 year ago

It would appear that if the current directions continues the crap will hit the fan. I think folks should brace themselves for some very interesting events coming out of the elites that are steering this rat ship.

Last edited 1 year ago by Optimus Prime
Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Hits the nail on the head. State government may survive in limited form, but not by much. We will be left on our own, but free.

1 year ago

I wonder if all the people that are chomping at the bit to do something. Realize that all those govt and private pension checks will stop? As well as the power, water, food and the drugs they need? Living in a city or sub division will not good. Better get healthy, prep, train and plan. Most will beg for the govt to make thing like it was.

No Thanks
No Thanks
1 year ago
Reply to  Ray

People can beg all they want but that $hit isn’t going to do anything for them. People that have not done at least some prepping at this point, I mean come on, how truly lazy and stupid can one be my goodness. the masses have done virtually NOTHING -- Fact and there will be all kinds of Problems.

No Thanks
No Thanks
1 year ago

David: Nice list you have there -- I completely agree for what it is worth! Fake dirt green paper (cash) will Not be worth Jack, as you mentioned. And I think people will definitely still want to get their drink, their smoke and so on.

1 year ago

Don’t get a stroke, heart attack, cancer, or any other disease. Don’t go blind or deaf, or get diseased teeth. Prepping is based on the foundation of health. Health is wealth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Jane don’t be a downer. Long before “Modern Medicine” could even understand stroke, cancer and such.

Folks STILL DID Amazing and often Heroic things. Yes, they generally died earlier but then again just what kind of life is getting a sippy cup from a minimum wage Aide, hoping they have banana pudding tonight?

It’s not the time you live but what you DO with that time.

BTW well worth keeping up with eyeglasses and dental care. Toothbrushes are worthwhile. Don’t worry about stuff you cannot avoid.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

How old are Michael? Health is wealth. It’s sounds like you are quite healthy. God bless. Many people are not and cannot “ prep” for what’s coming. This is a fact, not a “downer,”

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

The way to prep is by creating a community of like-minded people (size indeterminate).
The Lone Wolf prepper will not make it; he’s got to sleep sometime and he can’t watch his six.
You CAN prep, but engage family, friends, neighbors.

1 year ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

For some, that is a possibility. For some, it is not.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Jane, if you follow this blog, you’d know I’m an old, retired medic. So, you’re preaching to the choir.

I’m telling you to deal with what cards life has given you. Complaining about what you cannot change does exactly what? Waste the MOST IMPORTANT factor ALL of us have.


Everybody is born, everybody dies. It’s what you DO in-between that matters.

How do you prep for unknowns? Deal with the basics. Simple rule of 3’s stuff. But you have to DO IT as nobody else will do it for you.

Time passes if you’re complaining on the internet or shopping at Walmart for a plastic pail with lid and GV dry beans and white rice, cringing that last Feb 2023 that 20-pound bag of GV white rice was less than 6 dollars and TODAY it’s 12.00.

Is complaining going to give you more time to do stuff? Is it going to lower the price for 20 pounds of white rice?

As Take a Hard Loo already said you need trustworthy friends. And that takes TIME to develop.

I’d get busy spending what time we have left doing instead of complaining on this blog.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

I am not complaining. Clearly, I am grateful for everything Gid has given me including the Fall of our nation. Please reread my posts. What will you do, Michael when someone you see falls gravely I’ll. Will you run or ignore the victim? Prep for God. I will chose to stay with anyone who is gravely ill and that includes animals.

AGAIN, I am clearly not complaining. I am stating facts. Will you leave people to die alone? Have you prepped for that possibility?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

cannot find edit button

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

I’ll do my best to help up to the limit of harming my family and friends.

Even the Good Samaritan didn’t harm his family.

BTW what did I say about using your time to get ready made you inclined to ask how I ‘d help others?

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Merry Christmas. Many blessings for you and🙏✝️ your family.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 year ago

Get some three ring binders and print off all kinds of information that you will need to thrive and survive, when the grid goes down you’ll have a library full of knowledge to pass down to the kin folk.
Some examples would be when to

1 year ago

Dude, you’ve teased us. Finish your examples of what to keep hard copy!

Proverbs 27:17
King James Version
17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

really important printed info, I laminate the pages. They place those in the three ring binders.

1 year ago

Agree fully. All scenarios cascade into this eventuality so it makes sense to focus on that and build up from there.

I read the initial post as an inference to state dotgov somehow divorcing fed dotgov if only the “people” stopped paying taxes etc. but I reckon it was a more of a wishful throwaway than a call to action.

I don’t think the various secession visions are worthwhile given the State is all but the same when scaled down and that there are a multitude of small, local and personal issues to be reckoned with first.

Those kinds of “movements”, really any movement that is branded and marketed is suspect for its moral self license to do nothing on your own and sacrifice nothing or risk nothing until/unless there is some formula like Silicon Valley uses: great idea + money then [magic] profit!

I don’t have to do much imagining. I lost my life’s work for being honest in the serpents pit. Then again in 2020 when everyone went crazy.

Walked away from a lot of money and comforts to not serve the beast -- with nothing but the wind in my pocket. Gave up family and friends and status and a trajectory to deny the death cult my services. I don’t recommend doing that. Knowing what I know now, maybe I wouldn’t do it again.

But I also know what most people care about when the rubber hits the road. That’s why they are prisoners to the system. And constantly negotiating with their captors.

Debt is a big part but income and social standing can’t be ignored. Seen it up close. You tend to notice extra hard when you are the counterparty to the zero-sum. “Ordinary Men” gotta eat too.

I’ll never have the resources to fully prepare for some end times shitshow. But I have some basics and some know how but mostly I rely upon the fact that I have already stepped into the breech before and have honed my will on that grindstone of reality.

The mental and spiritual muscle must be prepared in advance as well and there is no way to train that without actually enjoying the suck before the greatest sucking sound ever heard comes calling.

It’s all vanity, nothing new. Etc. But it’s nice to know there are some out there thinking clearly about our actual lot. We are in a strange interregnum phase of the collapse. It curries up some tough landscape to navigate with one another. For this alone I pray for some clarity of purpose for all of us, whatever that might bring with.

1 year ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

I left the herd 20 years ago

1 year ago

As Matt Bracken has written:
“When the Music Stops”
If the EBT cards stop working we’ll have 24-72 hours before all hell breaks loose.
The inner city vermin will swarm out toward the suburbs, stripping everything bare like locusts on a rampage.
Best not be in their way.

Last edited 1 year ago by TakeAHardLook
1 year ago

It’s probably worse. All checks will stop. Banks will be closed. Everything will be closed. What you have is what you got now. Got any big bolt cutters? Big crow bar?

1 year ago

If the above scenario happened we would be over run by China, Russa, Mexico, or any other power or powers who think they can long before it gets to the point described. My feelings anyway. But it is a real possibility before 2024 is over that something to that effect could happen or will happen. My guess is that biden will invite china to move in and take over. You all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take Care and Be Safe God Bless All

Larry Jones
Larry Jones
1 year ago

Youot the rule of law part backwards! You meant to say Rule of Constitutional Law! Based on the pre-established definition of rule of law, as exhibited in Afghanistan, and certified by the USG, along with historical precedent, Rule of law is communism, with no “we the people” component. Attention to detail Dave, attention to detail!