This is one of several links from one comment on NCRenegade concerning masks:
I read this comment and do not remember writing it. I looked up the post and here is what was left out:
The verbiage posted in the comment on NC Renegade was the description on YouTube by Dr. Martenson. Keep in mind that the timeframe when this was published on YouTube was in the early days of the pandemic. Masks were unavailable due to panic buying. While I agreed with the content of the video at that time, keep in mind that governments were misleading the public concerning this virus, its origins, its funding, it R0 value, how contagious it was and its treatment.
What also was left out but addressed by me in the comments on that post, was that biological masks as I recommended earlier are effective in stopping the virus. Would I wear an N95 mask now for protection: yes. While its effectiveness is very minimal, it is not zero. But I do not have to make that decision since I do have effective biological masks and replacement filters.
I went to the next link in the comment concerning this article:
Once again, the context of the entire article was left out. Here is the chart posted in the original article from Dr. Martenson’s video:
However, I would not write that paragraph today and I doubt that Dr. Martenson would write the portion of the article that was left out of the comment on NC Renegade.
Does that mean Dr. Martenson was incorrect on his mask information that was posted in the article? Maybe looking back we could say yes but at that time based on what the medical community and governments were telling us as “the science”, people in the science community still believed that doctors acted in the best interests of their patients.
I do not mind being corrected when I am wrong. I do mind people using portions of an article in a misleading manner or attributing information to me when I did not say it.
a quick study of a little microbiology will tell you all you need to know about the uselessness of masks against a virus, unless you are speaking to a NBCR respirator.
I have a degree in Microbiology. You are correct so I will ask why doctors wear masks when performing surgery.
It appears that people hear and see whatever they want. While I always recommended a mask with a respirator, those were quickly sold out and were not for sale to the public when supplies became available.
One of the worst parts for me of COVID-19 was seeing how my education and scientific knowledge became worthless as the “science” was manipulated to make a profit. Masks, vaccines, propaganda, greed and fear mongering overcame scientific analysis.
the explanation from two of my surgeons, “to prevent droplet contamination of the surgical field.” Translation, to keep sweat and or spittle out of the open field. BTW, (only two years study in micro)
The ironical part is Fauci once wrote a book on the dangers of wearing masks and their death toll. Try and find it now. This was all about control. Successful with 48% of the population.
Fauci knew that masks were worthless because he knew they propagating and increased the great flu epidemic here after WWI. Once people took off dirty cotton masks and went out into the sunshine, the “flu” went away.
It was (and still is) a political and monetary means to control people.
bacterial and fungal pneumonias, caused by masking. He and the other two authors stipulated that 92+% of the 1918-1919 deaths were the results of these two infections, not the virus itself. Tautenberger was one of the co-authors.
The comorbities must have been interesting as medical personnel wear masks often for all our shifts and we don’t have pneumonia as a occupational hazard.
Not defending that rat Fauci but wonder what other factors were involved in the Spanish flu and mask pneumonia.
I would venture the major difference in today’s arena is the disposable paper mask for the medical environment. The fact they did not have such luxury in the early part of the last century likely played a major role.
Your probably correct, Kal Kal. The ability to easily replace a nasty wet mask teeming with microbes would help.
The Healthy human IMMUNE System is amazing in how it can handle up to a certain number of microbes (because even the Flu virus is everywhere in every season, yet we are not always sick) and we don’t even know we were almost sick.
Constant use of cotton masks and lack of washing might indeed been the problem.
Not surprised many someone’s here would make a “gotacha” out of an edited comment. But as that old saying goes “Better to loan a “Friend” 100 dollars and they show their true colors and freely lie about you before a real betrayal event from that “Friend” occurs”.
The 100 dollar loss is cheap to learn who you really can trust, before things get serious. Write the money off as well as that “Friend”.
But as I recall adding back then when we were dealing with many unknown falsehoods from the “Trusted Media” about COVID as a medical professional I wear masks daily, often for my entire shift. Changing them as needed.
The Hindsight is 20-20 syndrome is a problem as folks FORGET what we Didn’t KNOW back then in the PsyOps campaign against citizens across the globe. A PsyOps SO Successful that even today we see folks driving alone in a car wearing a mask. And sad to say Ads for “Give it a shot” still running for boosters.
Or as a Doctor I work for said “Amazing how many after the facts Biological Warfare “EXPERTS” are around loudly saying THEY Knew it was a Bamboozle.
That Doctor advised me not to take the COVID shots as we both knowing medical history of vaccine development times were not accepting how fast it arrived. Years in the past, not weeks. That and knowledge that God’s well designed Immune System was designed to deal with viruses. Both of us were temporally unemployed for refusing the COVID shot.
Later about a year later the Hospital systems seeing many refusals and early retirements decided to “Accommodate us”. As they needed our skillsets.
That mask isn’t so much to protect me from you, although it does keep blood and body fluid splatter out of my mouth and nose.
A properly fitted and properly worn mask does prevent most transmission from you to others. While viruses are very tiny, and the cute chain link story comes to mind.
However, the viruses ride outward on your droplet spray when you breathe, sneeze and cough. The mask properly fitted and worn helps a lot with that.
Viruses are everywhere and all times, the human body was DESIGNED to handle a certain level with its Immune System. Thus, folks with comprised or weakened immune systems fell badly during COVID.
As I pointed out back in the bad ole COVID days in many forums Handwashing was the #1 way COVID gets into you. Watching folks “Wearing a mask” Not covering the nose, pulling the contaminated mask down because it was wet and then using the Walmart Cart with those nasty contaminated hands and so on. Not hospital grade proper mask wearing.
We have yearly classes as well as Remedial classes about proper mask and glove use BECAUSE of its importance in BREAKING the Transmission Chain of cross contaminations.
So, folks listen more than you talk. Allowing folks to speak from the abundance of their heart and remembering what they say might help you sort out those who are trustworthy when things get spicy.
Write off that 100 bucks and dust your feet off and move on.
So what was the point of this article? It was not a gotcha or even defending myself. I hope that people see that we will never become great again if we fight among ourselves or let trolls manipulate us.
Comments (like articles) should provide information which will allow us to move forward and make better decisions.
I’m mildly confused that both of us were down arrow in a Salvo.
Our Feckless Leadership is good at one thing, generating chaos to keep themselves in power. Divide and conquer.
Your time is short, and valuable. Stop feeding the trolls.
On Target Joe.
As Robert Heinlein said so well:
“Do not confuse “duty” with what other people expect of you; they are utterly different. Duty is a debt you owe to yourself to fulfill obligations you have assumed voluntarily. Paying that debt can entail anything from years of patient work to instant willingness to die. Difficult it may be, but the reward is self-respect.
But there is no reward at all for doing what other people expect of you, and to do so is not merely difficult, but impossible. It is easier to deal with a footpad than it is with the leech who wants “just a few minutes of your time, please—this won’t take long.” Time is your total capital, and the minutes of your life are painfully few. If you allow yourself to fall into the vice of agreeing to such requests, they quickly snowball to the point where these parasites will use up 100 percent of your time—and squawk for more!
So learn to say No—and to be rude about it when necessary. Otherwise you will not have time to carry out your duty, or to do your own work, and certainly no time for love and happiness. The termites will nibble away your life and leave none of it for you.
(This rule does not mean that you must not do a favor for a friend, or even a stranger. But let the choice be yours. Don’t do it because it is “expected” of you.)”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
Trolls love down arrows.
Exactly Joe
Agreed. See my reply above to Michael.
David, I am a retired Tinner. For those not familiar with the trades I did ductwork. Commercial HVAC for government and industry. I cannot even begin to remember all the clean rooms, operating suites and nuclear bunkers I have built in the last 40 years. The changes in installation and requirements for air filtration over that time were amazing to see. All those changes brought about by real science; they TESTED the installs. Smoke bombs, pressure tests, micro particulate infiltration tests, you name it, and we did it. The first time I explained to folks that unless you are wearing MOPP level 3 protection at all times with provisions for decontamination when undressing and changing you would die, boy did I get negative feedback to say the least. I knew of 2 places that I had worked on that would allow you to shelter in place and be protected without MOPP gear. 1 the Chyenne Mountain complex in Colorado Springs and 2 the new Stratcom Complex at Offutt in Oklahoma. The day they recommended masks and standing 6 feet apart I about laughed my way into a heart attack. I learned an important lesson, never underestimate the gullibility and outright stupidity of the general population. My local Walmart grew to hate me. Unmasked and thank-you but I do not need a mask I have asthma and cannot wear one. The best day was another shopper sans mask saw me and thanked me for not being a sheep. When I explained to her my occupation, she laughed till she cried. Sheep its what’s for dinner in an oligarchic regime.