From the Washington Post

Robust holiday shopping sends economy soaring into 2024

Powered by online spending, retail sales rose 3.1 percent compared with the same period last year, Mastercard reported.



Consider this:

What is the current inflation rate forecast for 2023?

The latest update from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) puts the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) measure of inflation at 3.9% in the year to November 2023, significantly less than the 4.6% recorded a month earlier and now at a two-year low.


3.1% – 3.9% seems to be a contraction of -0.8% from 2022. And that inflation figure includes only the first 11 months of 2023.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

No one believes this garbage! Every business has been having sales for the last quarter-4 months for cash. Any thinking person knows sales happen to stimulate business. Why all the layoffs happening?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jolie1


1 year ago

Ho. Ho. Ho. What a crock of you know what. We have a 34 trillion national debt. Oh, and lest we forget the interest on the debt.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

but the buffoon in chief scolded the press for not saying the economy is robust and booming.

1 year ago

David, your being kind to use the “Official Lie of only 3.9% inflation” to torpedo the WaPo “Increase in spending”.

Anybody who’s paying for rent, taxes, gasoline, ah FOOD and so on SHOULD realize deep in their heart that EVERYTHING is FAR higher price, Often LESS of it (smaller containers) and often poorer quality (Toilet Paper is a prime example).

I used to double the “Official Rate of inflation”, today it seems a triple might be a tad low to get Real World ™ inflation to you and I.

“The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.
Ernest Hemingway

Why WAR? A prime distraction for the People from the troubles CREATED by their government.

Now they are PRIMING US with semi-official announcements of a “Black Swan” even GOING to happen in 2024? High DOLLAR Movies by Obummer Inc saying that a cyber-attack is nigh and BTW White People CANNOT be Trusted and so on.

Psychopaths MUST Bragg to their victims it seems. Must be a thrill to them to “warn them” of the evils coming soon.

Got trusted family and friends and the rule of 3’s covered?

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago

I don’t doubt that people are spending more, but they are getting less because of inflation. I am confident that the number of actual items purchased has decreased greatly. Also, I wonder how many of these “purchases” are actually payments for utilities or other day to day living expenses?

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

More lies from the FJB machine. Stats can be manipulated, and are no thing more than damn lies. I have very little use for stats, particularly when sold by FJB as the truth.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Those that watch/trade the market should understand, these situations almost always end in a blow-off top. Several prominent people have said the same about this one. When you see the market start screaming, 100’s of points in a day… sell.
The pop IS coming, and sooner than later, but it will happen in a massive bubble of extreme’s. That’s your signal.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
1 year ago

I believe the crash will be deliberately started after the elections since it probably won’t go (((their))) way. I think it would happen regardless as the bankers are barely keeping the economy on the rails now. Also Russia and/or China wouldn’t mind giving us a push over the edge. I believe the public should demand that all the assets of the owners of the Federal Reserve should be confiscated and all public debt held by the Fed declared null and void. Have letters to your Congresscritters and Trump ready to mail and their DC office numbers on speed dial. If we don’t bring the heat, they won’t see the light. Make them believe that their very lives depend on it!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  Steady Steve

Stuck in that paradigm where you think elections matter I see.

1 year ago

The MSM reported that FedEx says their holiday deliveries dropped 7% this year.

Jeffery in Alabama
Jeffery in Alabama
1 year ago

“Analyst” are not taking into consideration the “to hell with it, I may as well spend it and go out in a blaze of glory” attitude some Americans are having these days. When life seems hopeless people sometimes binge spend like there is no tomorrow. They cannot see a way out of the situation they perceive as their last days, so why not spend it. Americans feeling hopeless or overwhelmed with things like the economy, illegal invasion, global warming, other media buzz phrases simply means the “magic” of the propaganda machine is working.
I also agree the data is manipulated to project whatever narrative TBTB are pushing at that particular time. The proof for me is in the pudding so to speak. As a middle class American I can tell you that a dollar doesn’t buy as much “pudding” (or anything else) as it did before Jo Bribem was installed.

1 year ago

As a general rule, if you want to calculate the true rate of inflation do this: multiply the official CPI measure of inflation (expressed as a percentage) X 2 and bingo, you’ve got it -- the true rate of inflation!
There are three levels of government lies; standard operating lies, gigantic and utterly damnable lies and, worst of all, government statistics.