Today’s early morning coronation of Joe Biden was the culmination of a series of events which has many consequences:
- The Republican Party is dead.
- On January 20th, it appears that Joe Biden will be inaugurated as president.
- Half the country knows the election process is compromised. The other half knows it is compromised but will not admit it and/or is part of the corruption.
- Lack of trust in the government always lead to revolution. Read the 4th Turning for more on this topic.
- Our culture will continued to be attacked until it is eliminated.
- Our taxes will go up.
- Government spending will increase to cripple the economy.
- Energy independence will be eliminated.
- COVID will be used to control the people, the economy and our freedom.
- The 2nd amendment will be attacked.
Next article: what options do we have?
David DeGerolamo
The truly evil wanted to broadcast a sacrificial ceremony from the Capitol building for all the world to see!
First there is a young woman shot so she bleeds out inside the Capitol building as a blood sacrifice!:
Then a heavily tattooed man wearing a set of horns on his head is allowed to breach the inside of the Capitol building and stand in the highest position of power in that building where Vice President Pence was standing a few hours ago!:
The evil who presently control the world were giving us a subtle hint as to the god they really worship who is called Lucifer and represented as Baphomet!:
It won’t be long now before the last 8 years commence:
Eagerly await follow up article. Yesterday had some merit but lacked leadership. I really don’t think anyone expected to be in the rotunda so when it happened there was no plan. GOP, dead, I won’t say never but getting me to vote again in this charade of a system will be a difficult barrier to cross.
It is a hard thing to accept the demise of that which you hold so very dear. However at some point, be it the obvious discoloration or rigor mortis or the unavoidable stench of rotting flesh, our Republic is no more. So, yeah, ready to read your next. Options abound, all need to make wise decisions.
In general whatever lack of faith or animosity to the Christian God, I suggest reconciling that. For in that reconciliation is the key to your next. Through the fathomless wisdom of the Holy Spirit we can plan and not only plan but endure, even to the end if it is our lot.
I reject this list. This is not the fate of my people. The answer is no, backed by force.
I’d say #1 is pretty much spot on, though, and I wholeheartedly embrace it.
My Patriot friends – don’t be so morose . None of us thought Trump was our savior did we? He bought us 4 years.
We are now far more prepared for the war that is on our doorstep.
Isn’t this why you have been training? At the very least you can be part of the auxiliary or subversive underground.
When there is no hope for a political solution things are actually easier. It brings clarity.
RIP to the young woman.
“Gentlemen – we are being killed on the beaches, let us go inland and be killed.”
Best Regards,
Red in OleVirginny
What option do we have?
We can FIGHT!!!
It won’t get any easier?
Not frustrated, but filled with a terrible resolve……….
Her name was Ashli she was murdered by gestapo
So, the left has won.
Predictable. While delusional libertarians and ignorant never-trumpers sat around arguing about the best direction conservatism should take, the left stayed their course and walked through the door we left wide open for them. They are unified; we are not.
I do hope we can stop bickering about semantics and get on the same team, but that will be difficult for free thinkers and even more difficult for the purists. But we need to do it, or our culture will vanish.
Anyone who denies this election was stolen is as dumb as a box of rocks. Whatever you thought/think about Trump is irrelevant. If you voted against him because he wasn’t “pure” enough for you, you are an idiot.
So, now what are we going to do about it? Sit around and discuss the post game for the next 12 years?
It did not matter who did or did not vote for Trump. They cheated, committed treason and nobody will ever be held accountable. The only way anything will change is to STOP being a part of the feed. STOP using Twitter, Google, FACEBOOK, etc. Quit BUYING anything from Amazon. We have to divorce ourselves from them. The GOP included. They are using you as slaves. Stop supporting their wars. Stop sending your children to rotten public schools and colleges. and then, become independent : secede.
THEY WILL ALL BE HANGED FOR TREASON,but not by americans,their cowards,BUT by the chinese military,they hate traitors,ONLY their men and will attack washington DC and drag them out to be hanged and NOT even the US MILITARY will stop them….ITS a sad day when the men have to come from a foreign country to do what the girlymen in america should have done…
Within the next 114 days we will see Bill of Rights trampling measures executed in the name of safety and unity. 1A in the form of a resuscitated “Fairness Doctrine” (Doublespeak much?). 2A, pick your flavor: scary weapons ban, registration (wink, wink), ammo tax. Whether by Executive Fiat or “honest to goodness” (tongue firmly implanted in cheek) legislation, it won’t matter. YOU ARE AN ENEMY OF THE STATE. Get your mind right, your heart right and never lose faith.