I am not posting this for people to say “nothing will change” or “we can’t vote our way out of this”. I am posting this to show what everyone (and I mean everyone) knows as fact: the 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent. Do not write this off and say it is more of the same because it is not. The Republic was overthrown by a coup and everyone who supports this coup is a traitor. What we do is how we will be judged, on earth and in Heaven.
David DeGerolamo
The US sElections have been rigged since Grant under the illusion of choice; 2020 marked the year when the illusion was removed.
The coup is real, we are now suffering the consequences and our cowardice is fueling their progress. I am not accusing or condemning us and I say us because I have participated as well. What is our answer? We know what it is, May God help us to act and show obedience to our God.
I am a man who is watching the world around be turn into 1 giant bowl of pooh. Having watched the left steal an election in front of our faces, Neer few voices have opposed. Not even our own President who had the power to call up We The People to come and stop the Coup d’état. I sometimes wonder if he is not a judas goat.
But mind you this I am still alive, after suffering massive heart attack praise Jesus I still stand above dirt. And as long as there is breath in these lungs, I pledge my life and all that I have to stand against the darkness. These people are evil incarnate, their very existence is repugnant to all that lives and breathes upon this earth. As a Marine, I will stand and fight with all that is in me to defend my brothers and sisters against this plague upon We the People, and all of mankind. They believe the lies of their loser god, Our God the great I AM will deliver us. All we have to do is Trust Him. General Washington believed, so did many of the founders. They gave everything many gave their lives. My great, great grandfather fought beside General Washington; I have a dog in this fight. I do not and will not allow on my watch this to pass without standing true to my Oath, it has no expiration date. My heart is torn asunder and there is no comfort to be found, My Republic calls me to my sworn duty. No quarter will be asked none will be given. People we have a duty a life sworn duty to stand .our grandchildren will tell their children. History calls us … it is time, past time .. come with me over the top , fix bayonets Devil Dogs …come charge with us into battle ahead .. ” Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose and you are nothing if ain’t Free! “.
I Cincinnatus,
Bob T
God bless you, I stand with you, the oath I took at 17yrs of age does not have an expiration date. Once a Marine always a Marine, I joined the Army in 1968 one of the best things I ever did, they made men out of you then. May God give us the courage to stand and fight like men.
i believe General Washington may have been the only True President, the one and only leader of Gods people to the founding of this Nation, but all that glory returns to God.
And yes that may be a bit unfair to other presidents but Washington is along the same lines as Moses i have come to believe!
You better go back and do some research.
The comment would be more useful with a source citation or six as opposed to a pure ad hominem attack.
Amazing so very many Americans are immoral Wh$res who would sell out their country and fellow Americans so easily and no matter what they were paid, so cheaply.
Until we’re ready to get our hands bloody, this will continue. They have the court, the military and plenty of our money to get things done. Lone wolves are needed. Start at the bottom, and eventually we will reach the top. They don’t have a problem assassinating us, or better yet, suiciding us. Hoping for the best doesn’t cut it.
Very true and reminds me of this:
The trucker protests are huge, who was the leader? How did they get this organized? We can do this as well, they accomplished this with little or no leadership. Yet we wait, what are we waiting for?
American truck drivers are organizing. They are not being public about it for very good reasons I’m sure you can figure out.
Yep got it.
many american truckers are among those in canada.
They are standing together as should we all.
Keep hammering away at them
People go mad in droves, but awaken one by one.
And this….xerox military ballots…hand entered. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/shocking-testimony-reveals-democrats-stealing-overseas-military-ballots-michigan-georgia-now-arizona-video/
Molotov in the ballot box. Problem solved.