Gen. McChrystal: Selling Out for a Political Position?

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Is Gen. McChrystal posturing to be the new Secretary of Homeland Security? His position on gun control violates the Constitution, his oath and his honor. Let us hope that there are some colonels in our military service who understand these principles and will put their country above their political ambitions.

David DeGerolamo

Gen. McChrystal: Assault rifles are for battlefields, not schools

Former Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who led the war in Afghanistan, endorsed strong gun control laws Tuesday on Morning Joe.

“I spent a career carrying typically either an M16 or an M4 Carbine. An M4 Carbine fires a .223 caliber round which is 5.56 mm at about 3000 feet per second. When it hits a human body, the effects are devastating. It’s designed for that,” McChrystal explained. “That’s what our soldiers ought to carry. I personally don’t think there’s any need for that kind of weaponry on the streets and particularly around the schools in America.”

The AR-15, the civilian version of an M-16 or M-4, has been the weapon of choice  in many recent mass shootings —both Adam Lanza and James Holmes used them in Newtown and Aurora, respectively. Since Lanza massacred 20 young children in Newtown, Connecticut, gun control has returned to DC’s front-burner and the president has called for strict gun control measures.

“We’ve got to take a serious look—I understand everyone’s desire to have whatever they want—but we’ve got to protect our children, we’ve got to protect our police, we’ve got to protect our population,” McChrystal said. “Serious action is necessary. Sometimes we talk about very limited actions on the edges and I just don’t think that’s enough.”

McChrystal led the American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, but resigned amidst scandal after Rolling Stone magazine published a controversial profile that portrayed the General and his staff as dismissive and disrespectful of the president.


Related Article:

Gen. McChrystal Applies For Job As New Homeland Security Secretary, Replacing Napolitano

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12 years ago

Ar-15 rifles were not used in either of these events. Thus far its rumor in newtown and why details have not come out yet astounds me. And An Ar-15 was present at aurora Co. but was not used.

These guys are fools and are asking for trouble. I fear for our country

12 years ago

Another careerist apparatchik-officer, like Wesley Clark, Petraeus, and most other doggie rankers. As matters escalate, we’ll find allies among younger officers, Marines, Nat Guard units of seceeding states. Dread naught.

12 years ago

interesting, comments about what the 5.56mm does to a human, however I notice he IS NOT wearing a combat infantry badge. what this political paper pusher has is the EXPERT INFANTRY Badge. awarded after a series of test in a peacetime environment. NO PATTON, NO ABRAMS.

12 years ago

Same thing I noticed, Howard. No combat decorations, never led a squad in combat. Another “perfumed prince” (thanks, LtCol Hackworth)in Obama’s harem.

john jay
10 years ago


a careerist. took his spanking well when he got canned in afghanistan, now want to work for the guy that canned him.

what would the psy ops guys say about that.

but, he is extremely dangerous. well connected. political. . and, he appears totally unscrupulous. perhaps a boot licker?

finally, he is just a bit absent in the “history department.” he seems to have forgotten that the 2nd amendment was put in place so that we could rebel against usurpation of our rights, and the attempted imposition of tyranny. that’s what guns are for. and, in that context, it appears to me wise to have as much small arms fire power as any regime we may have to go toe to toe with.

a man of the apparatus, as the soviet era russians would have said.

john jay